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Ugh.  Another round of severe t-storms coming through tonight.


Not looking forward to this at all.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Thank you for your prayers and your healing thoughts for my husband.   The amputation wound continues to heal, but he is barely staying ahead of other complications, and it gets to be a bit much to handle some days.  

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hey all


My husband is a type 2 diabetic. has been for many years, on several meds to control. we watch what he eats because of his numbers and kidney stones which he has had 5 surgeries for. he is so sick for those stones.


did get my walk in. picked up mail.


Show me, i sure hope you don't get "bugs" from the untidy neighbor. I know what roaches are like and water bugs and ants.. the roaches were so huge in Hawaii they knocked on your door and moved in suitcase and all  they didn't spray for roaches at the apartment complex i lived in. it was the most depressing near 5 year living place experience i still have nightmares about. It is to bad your neighbor lady friend has such an uncaring daughter. if it turns into a fire hazard you will have to report it, I don't need to hear of fire in MO on the news.


ok guys will check in later.

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Registered: ‎06-17-2015


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"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Registered: ‎09-06-2010


@Trinity11......There hasn't been any vermin.....  Thank goodness.  As far as my sticking my nose into their business, think it best to just leave things as they are.  She knows something needs to be done.  And, I will do what I can to help her maybe find some sort of assistance.  Can only do so much.  They are not affiliated with any church, and the church I was a member of closed its doors a number of years ago.  This situation will need to be handled with tender care.  

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@RedTop wrote:


Many thanks for your kind words and well wishes; they are much appreciated!   


It sounds like your neighbors apartment is a prime example of why some landlords don’t allow pets.   I do think cats and litter boxes are easier to clean after than a dog, unless it is trained to go on a pad that is changed often.   That pet smell takes over quickly once it is absorbed by fabrics in the apartment, and would be hard to deal with.  And sadly, that smell will escape the apartment, permeate the hallway, and eventually be noticeable to everyone entering the building.   The daughter needs to get her head on straight and clean the apartment, before they all get evicted.


@RedTop.....Have said a special prayer for you this morning.  Hope and pray everything goes well for you.  Also have included your DH in my prayers.  


They are currently not letting people rent here that have a dog.  This one got here with the daughter when she moved in.  From what I understand the daughter is on the lease with my neighbor....  There was a real problem with the dog barking all the time.  And, they were warned that if there was another complaint, they would have to move.  

You are so right about cats.  I have one....and it is much easier to take care of cats and their litter box.  I change the litter several times a week, and do clean out the box on a daily basis.  Never have any smell in my apartment.  I'm a stickler about that.  I agree....the daughter needs to get that place cleaned.  Am sure if management were to go in there today, they would immediately be evicted.  

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@hellie jo wrote:

@ShowMe  Thank you for being the kind caring friend you are.Take care.


@hellie jo....thank you for your kind words.  I do try to do the best that I can....and sometimes that isn't enough.  But will keep trying.

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@viva923 wrote:

hey all


My husband is a type 2 diabetic. has been for many years, on several meds to control. we watch what he eats because of his numbers and kidney stones which he has had 5 surgeries for. he is so sick for those stones.


did get my walk in. picked up mail.


Show me, i sure hope you don't get "bugs" from the untidy neighbor. I know what roaches are like and water bugs and ants.. the roaches were so huge in Hawaii they knocked on your door and moved in suitcase and all  they didn't spray for roaches at the apartment complex i lived in. it was the most depressing near 5 year living place experience i still have nightmares about. It is to bad your neighbor lady friend has such an uncaring daughter. if it turns into a fire hazard you will have to report it, I don't need to hear of fire in MO on the news.


ok guys will check in later.


@viva923.....Yes, your DH does have to be careful with his diet.....  There are quite a few things a diabetic has to be cautious of.....  and of course you both know what they are.  


Glad you got your walk in and mail picked up.  Know how important those walks are to you....they do help to clear the mind and are good for the soul.


I am so careful about bugs.  Fortunately, I don't have any.  Have seen a few out in the back hall, and have had management come to spray.  Even with Mr. Lucky's food dish being on the floor in the kitchen, never have had any ants.  Roaches are another story.....and I know where they come from.  If I would ever have any in my apartment I would have that nipped in the butt fast.  In walking through the kitchen the other day, I did see a couple dead bugs on the floor.  Didn't stop to look to see what they were, but wouldn't doubt they were roaches.  


Last evening she and I were talking on the phone.....she let me know her son and his twin daughters were here for a few days.  I know her son sleeps on the sofa when he is here, but these are 2 bedroom apartments.....Theresa has one and her daughter has the other.  So, when she told me the girls were here with their dad, I asked her where were they sleeping.  She said on the floor.  With that I had to bite my tongue....and all I could say was ok.....but boy were there thoughts going through my mind.  Believe me, I'm not going over there any time soon.  Can understand why you had nightmares.  I would too.


Hope you never hear of a fire in MO.....and pray that it never comes to that.  


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Registered: ‎09-06-2010


@Cakers3 wrote:

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@Cakers3.....Yes, and don't forget it is HUMP day too.

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Posts: 19,779
Registered: ‎09-06-2010


Good is an overcast day here.  Think it will be a little cooler today.  


Well, my Cardinals won again last night.....4 to 3.  Was a nail biting and sitting on the edge of the seat game.  But, it was a good game.  Now we need to win today....the game starts at about 12:15.  And you can be sure I will be watching it.  They are off tomorrow, and the weekend series is with Cincinnati Reds.  


Jeanne got my apartment all nice and clean last evening.  She got here a little earlier than expected, and that was a good thing.  After she left, I did go through and got everything back into its place....then ate a bite of supper and watched the game.  After the game I went to bed.  


Had a good nights sleep.  And felt pretty good when I got up.  So far, I have gotten dressed and made my bed.  And yes, I've had some coffee.  Did call management to let them know about the water situation in the toilet.  It's not filling up like it used to before the sewer back up we had in the basement....and also every time the water is turned on in the sinks and shower, there is the air situation like when water has been turned off and then back on.  Jeanne has had the same problem.  They came to check on hers.....and now they have to come check on mine.  Also need to have all the door knobs tightened.  


Other than that, nothing planned.  Do have to pay some bills, but that can be done tomorrow.  


Hope everyone has a wonderful day.