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Do you do volunteer work? Do you feel it is real work or just "make work?"
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I am a literacy tutor, cook/serve at my church's community meal, and drive voters to and from the polls on election day. I find that all activities keep me busy and are rewarding.

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When we are in Fl I volunteer at the hospital and I do feel it is just made up work most of the time. I don't plan to do it again this year. It was incredibly boring most of the time. DH and I also volunteer at our church's foodbank where I feel very relevant and look forward to going back in the fall. I need to find some other type of volunteer work to do - so far no luck with that but it will come to me.

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What do you mean by make work?

Yes,I volunteer, and to me it is like a job. The students I tutor depend on me to be in the classroom, so when I make a commitment, I stick to it as best I can.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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If anyone is looking for a do at home volunteer opportunity - there is a organization that sews adaptive clothing for injured vets called Sew for Comfort. You can look them up online. There is another group that crochets together strips of plastic bags to make waterproof mats for homeless people to sleep on and stay dry. Both are a good stay at home volunteer opp. for the right people with the right skills.

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Yes, I volunteer and it is real work. Have done so with the same group for about fifteen years and love it more each year! {#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Happy housewife, I also volunteered at a hospital for four years and finally quit because it was too boring. I had even asked the coordinator to give me more to do but it never happened. I would also like to find something more meaningful.
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On 7/6/2014 chessylady said: Happy housewife, I also volunteered at a hospital for four years and finally quit because it was too boring. I had even asked the coordinator to give me more to do but it never happened. I would also like to find something more meaningful.

Yeah, I think hospitals get so many volunteers - esp in Fl - that they just don't know what to do with them all. I love working at the foodbank - I may increase my time donation to them instead, and it is something DH & I do together.

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Yes, I am a volunteer.

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I used to volunteer at my local health care clinic. I now live in a different city. I helped to direct people as to where to wait for their appointments, sometimes made them tea, but most of the time I was a sort of sounding board.