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When I read your post it reminded me of my daughter.  She worked at a job she hated.  Her boss was toxic to everyone around him and it created a toxic environment.


Every night she'd call me and would be so down, she never felt physically or mentally good.


I told her life is way too short to stay in a job where you are so unhappy.  She started sending out resume's.  She started going on interviews.  One thing I told her and I'll tell you.


You have something to offer too.  Don't go looking for a job thinking they are doing YOU a favor by hiring you.  Realize your own self-worth.  Go on job interviews even though you might not be qualified for them because it will give you an idea of what you want in a job, what other's are looking for and it will build your self-confidence each time (even if you don't get the job, you're learning to deal with people).


She ended up getting a job in an IT company where the people are young like her.  Her boss realizes she has a lot to offer and tells her often.  Her health has improved (in fact she's running in the 10K race soon).  It's just a wonderful environment with people who love their job and go the extra mile.


Please re-think about staying where you are.  My daughter's friend was even more unhappy in the same job.  She didn't leave and has had to take several absences from work due to emotional stress.


I don't know your age, but you don't want to wish your life away until the day you can retire.  If you have to work, why not do it in a place where you are appreciated.  Maybe it's time to get a job where you don't deal with the public.


People can be terrible.  They take their burdens with them and put them on service people.


Please think about it.  What do you have to lose?  Send out a bunch of resumes.  At least you'll feel better like you are doing something moving forward.  Once my daughter started sending out resumes it was a difference in her voice.


Please keep us posted.  Just remember you do have something to offer.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Perhaps if you ask questions so you understand what they want, it will be less stressful. Good luck with finding a new job.

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Registered: ‎12-16-2011

Wow. You have all brought tears to my eyes. Believe it or not I have looked forward to sending out applications the last few days. You don't want to know all the months and years I spent looking for work back in 2008 and 2009 and not hearing anything. I didn't think I could put myself through that again but I am happy to say that I am doing it. I work outside and told myself I am not doing another winter. I am not doing it to myself. Thank you for your kind words.Heart

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
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Registered: ‎12-16-2011

Occasionalrain don't you think I already do that?

A friend in need is a friend indeed.
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Posts: 4,026
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Hang in there. And good luck with the job hunt.

_____ ,,,^ ._. ^,,,_____
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Re: Very Bad Week at Work

[ Edited ]

I totally get what it's like to work in a mind numbing, soul sucking, toxic environment. I absolutely hated my last job and only stayed because I knew layoffs were in the future and I wanted every dime I could get from that company. Layoffs finally got me the out I wanted and my husband told me I didn't need to look for another job. This place was so depressing, I would cry on Sunday afternoons because I was dreading going to work. The people were ok, the work mind numbing, the commute could take anywhere from 35 to 60 minutes one way depending on time of the year or if an accident was in my path, no raises since 2010, management treated us like slaves, management didn't care, no advancement, the list goes on. If I decide to go back to work sometime in the future it would be close to home and part time. I wish you luck in finding something new. Keep sending out those resumes. All it takes is one to give you an interview to get your spirits up. 

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Posts: 14,201
Registered: ‎01-02-2011

Re: Very Bad Week at Work

[ Edited ]

Never mindSmiley Happy

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Posts: 12,702
Registered: ‎08-22-2013

I didn't hate my job, but I didn't like it either, thank goodness I was able to retire at 54. I think people need to think out of the box today when it comes to work. Maybe there is some talent you have that you could turn into income or some service you could provide.

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Registered: ‎05-18-2014

Anyone who has worked in customer service completely understands!  It is so hard!  People are rude, inconsiderate, and sometimes just plain nuts. You are not treated like a person, not deserving of respect. A little respect goes a long way.  I have never understood the idea of being mean/rude to the person you want to help you. Why not be nice, so the person helping you WANTS to help you. 

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Posts: 1,115
Registered: ‎04-22-2010

Re: Very Bad Week at Work

[ Edited ]

Working with the public can show you the very worst and the very best of human nature.  When I first started in a position working with the public, I had an experience with a very angry, negative customer. By the time she left, I was very shook up and on the verge of tears. My next customer walked up, stood in front of me, smiled, took my hand and then she said, "Don't let her make you feel bad. There is nothing you could do to make her happy. Consider yourself lucky. You only had to spend five minutes of your life with her. There is someone at home, waiting for her, that has to spend every day of their life with her. That's the person you should feel bad for." Those kind words changed my perception and I still remember her kindness, over 25 years later. 


Good luck with your job search and in the meantime, hang in there.