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Re: Vaccination Letter from Pediatrician's Office

On 6/4/2014 Dagna said:

What about folks - kids even - who give others STDs? Should they be dropped?

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Re: Vaccination Letter from Pediatrician's Office

On 6/4/2014 NoelSeven said:
On 6/4/2014 Dagna said:

What about folks - kids even - who give others STDs? Should they be dropped?

Not the same thing at all. An STD requires contact. Someone doesn't get an STD by innocently sitting in a doctor's waiting room.

OK - maybe I didn't get the point of the banning.

This is only for potentially contagious people in the doctor's office????

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Re: Vaccination Letter from Pediatrician's Office

My daughter received a similar letter last year. There is a woman in her development who will not vaccinate her children and she went to the same pediatrician. She was given the name of another practice in a neighboring town that would continue to see children that are not vaccinated.

The woman's oldest son has been diagnosed with autism. The family has chosen to home school all their children. They live in a school district which provides countless services for special ed children. They do not take advantage of any of them.

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Re: Vaccination Letter from Pediatrician's Office

On 6/4/2014 Dagna said:
On 6/4/2014 NoelSeven said:
On 6/4/2014 Dagna said:

What about folks - kids even - who give others STDs? Should they be dropped?

Not the same thing at all. An STD requires contact. Someone doesn't get an STD by innocently sitting in a doctor's waiting room.

OK - maybe I didn't get the point of the banning.

This is only for potentially contagious people in the doctor's office????

Yes, and more. Some doctors feel strongly about saving their patients and protecting others. I assume many doctors would feel terrible if one of their patients, let us say a child, wasn't vaccinated and infected others at school or in church.

That child could do more than infect other kids. One of those kids could go home, infect their pregnant mother or elderly grandmother. Some illnesses cause birth defects and/or death in a person with fragile health.

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices
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Re: Vaccination Letter from Pediatrician's Office

"This is only for potentially contagious people in the doctor's office????"

I should clarify that... re: vaccination, it would be for people who could have prevented catching chicken pox or measles and chose not to.

Most MDs allow people with a cold or the flu to be in their waiting room.

Last year, for the flu, there were hospitals that saw new flu patients outside in tents because they didn't want those infected to spread it to others, especially patients who were already sick and would be very vulnerable.

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Re: Vaccination Letter from Pediatrician's Office

I don't think it has to do with the waiting room. It has to do with society as a whole. If you are potentially contagious and you're out in the public, you could infect anyone. Recently, a child on an airplane had the measles. He put everyone on that plane in danger of getting measles.

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Re: Vaccination Letter from Pediatrician's Office

Here is part of a doctrine vaccination policy statement pediatrician offices believe in and give to their patients...comes from the American Academy Of Pediatricians. (And your own predication(S) sign off on it.

This I believe this is in part do to the huge controversy with giving the MMR Vaccination; which we too were very concerned with. (The makeup of the vaccination is different from when my children generation received it)

I have shortened it....(The full version will be at the bottom of the page)

Finally, if you should absolutely refuse to vaccinate your child despite all our efforts, we will ask you to find another health care provider who shares your views. We do not keep a list of such providers nor would we recommend any such physician. Please recognize that by not vaccinating you are putting your child at unnecessary risk for life-threatening illness and disability, and even death.


We firmly believe in the effectiveness of vaccines to prevent serious illness and to save lives.

We firmly believe in the safety of our vaccines.

We firmly believe that all children and young adults should receive all of the recommended vaccines according to the schedule published by the Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

We firmly believe, based on all available literature, evidence and current studies, that vaccines do not cause autism or other developmental disabilities. We firmly believe that thimerosal, a preservative that has been in vaccines for decades and remains in some vaccines, does not cause autism or other developmental disabilities.

We firmly believe that vaccinating children and young adults may be the single most important health-promoting intervention we perform as health care providers, and that you can perform as parents/caregivers. The recommended vaccines and their schedule given are the results of years and years of scientific study and data gathered on millions of children by thousands of our brightest scientists and physicians.

These things being said, we recognize that there has always been and will likely always be controversy surrounding vaccination. Indeed, Benjamin Franklin, persuaded by his brother, was opposed to smallpox vaccine until scientific data convinced him otherwise. Tragically, he had delayed inoculating his favorite son Franky, who contracted smallpox and died at the age of 4, leaving Ben with a lifetime of guilt and remorse. Quoting Mr. Franklin’s autobiography:

In 1736, I lost one of my sons, a fine boy of four years old, by the smallpox…I long regretted bitterly, and still regret that I had not given it to him by inoculation. This I mention for the sake of parents who omit that operation, on the supposition that they should never forgive themselves if a child died under it, my example showing that the regret may be the same either way, and that, therefore, the safer should be chosen.

The vaccine campaign is truly a victim of its own success. It is precisely because vaccines are so effective at preventing illness that we are even discussing whether or not they should be given. Because of vaccines, many of you have never seen a child with polio, tetanus, whooping cough, bacterial meningitis or even chickenpox, or known a friend or family member whose child died of one of these diseases. Such success can make us complacent or even lazy about vaccinating. Furthermore such an attitude, if it becomes widespread, can only lead to tragic results.

Over the past several years, many people in Europe have chosen not to vaccinate their children with the MMR vaccine after publication of an unfounded suspicion (later retracted) that the vaccine caused autism. As a result of underimmunization, there have been small outbreaks of measles and several deaths from complications of measles in Europe over the past several years.

If you choose not to vaccinate your child you are taking selfish advantage of thousands of others who do vaccinate their children.

We are making you aware of these facts not to frighten you or coerce you, but to emphasize the importance of vaccinating your child. We recognize that the choice may be a very emotional one for some parents. We will do everything we can to convince you that vaccinating according to the schedule is the right thing to do. However, should you have doubts, please discuss these with your health care provider in advance of your visit.

Some parents ask if vaccines can be delayed or “broken up”. Delaying or “breaking up” the vaccines to give one or two at a time over two or more visits goes against expert recommendations, and can put your child at risk for serious illness (or even death) and goes against our medical advice as providers at Green Hills Pediatric Associates.

Finally, if you should absolutely refuse to vaccinate your child despite all our efforts, we will ask you to find another health care provider who shares your views. We do not keep a list of such providers nor would we recommend any such physician. Please recognize that by not vaccinating you are putting your child at unnecessary risk for life-threatening illness and disability, and even death.

As medical professionals, we feel very strongly that vaccinating children on schedule with currently available vaccines is absolutely the right thing to do for all children and young adults. Thank you for your time in reading this policy, and please feel free to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about vaccines with any one of us.


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Re: Vaccination Letter from Pediatrician's Office

On 6/4/2014 Dagna said:

What about folks - kids even - who give others STDs? Should they be dropped?

Don't be absurd plus you sound stupid.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Vaccination Letter from Pediatrician's Office

My vet also insists that animals be up to date on their shots to get treatment too.

We seem to be facing an epidemic of anti-science....people denying climate change, people refusing to vaccinate their kids...people claiming fluoride in the water is a plot to kill us...etc.

Good for the pediatrician.

Question - when my son was in school, both public elementary and Catholic HS, he couldn't attend classes in the fall w/o a physical from his pediatrician and w/o having his shots up to date. What happened to those rules???? Does anyone know?

When did people get so backward?????

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Re: Vaccination Letter from Pediatrician's Office

On 6/4/2014 terrier3 said:

My vet also insists that animals be up to date on their shots to get treatment too.

We seem to be facing an epidemic of anti-science....people denying climate change, people refusing to vaccinate their kids...people claiming fluoride in the water is a plot to kill us...etc.

Good for the pediatrician.

Question - when my son was in school, both public elementary and Catholic HS, he couldn't attend classes in the fall w/o a physical from his pediatrician and w/o having his shots up to date. What happened to those rules???? Does anyone know?

When did people get so backward?????

"We seem to be facing an epidemic of anti-science...."

Yes, yes, yes! It goes beyond maddening to frightening {#emotions_dlg.scared}

A Thrill Of Hope The Weary World Rejoices