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Re: Update on Missing Neighbor

@San Antonio Gal Yes...and that was sad...the only difference is this family has no children!

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Re: Update on Missing Neighbor

@Icegoddess wrote:

@KingstonsMom wrote:

@Icegoddess wrote:

I'm from The South.  We never mind our own business.



I beg to differ.


I'm from the deep south, born and raised and I expect my privacy, as well as I respect other's privacy.


That's a very broad statement to make and not at all true. There are nosey people everywhere.

Where I'm from we kept an eye on each other.  It wasn't called being nosey; it was called caring for each other.  And I am thankfrul for those people for keeping an eye on my Dad all those years after my mother's death.  Even the neighbor he didn't even know who saw him fall down in the driveway and helped him back to the house.  And the friends who called to tell us about his dizzy spells.  And the neighbor who kept an eye on the property and mowed the grass for the two years after his death while we were trying to get things cleaned out to sell it.  And even for the nosey neighbor who would magically show up every time we would go over there to work on the house.  We laughed about it, but we also knew she cared.


And, we didn't have a lot of juvenile hijinks because the kids never knew who might see them and tell their parents.  As Barney would say "****** it, ****** it in the bud."


So, if that's being a nosey neighbor, I'll proudly take on the title of Mrs. Kravitz.




I obviously misinterpreted your post and for that I apologize.Heart


But I still feel like the scenario you presented is much different than the scenario presented in this thread.

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Re: Update on Missing Neighbor

Oh my goodness, I can't believe the algorithm here will not let me quote Barney Fife.

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Re: Update on Missing Neighbor

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There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Update on Missing Neighbor

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

There is a big difference in being nosy and being a watchful neighbor.

A few years ago during the winter my brother slipped and fell on the ice outside his door.  He was able to drag himself in the house.  After he was inside he passed out.  When he came to he started yelling for help.  The man next door heard him but ignored it.  Eleven hours later a lady from the neighborhood heard my brothers car honking (he used the panic button on the key fob).  She investigated and finally got him some help.  He had broken his right femur.


Some of you might need a nosy neighbor some day.



THAT is really scary!  About 40 years ago I broke my right femur (compound open fracture) and you could die from that.


The emergency guys told me that it missed my femural artery by that much.  The femural artery is the largest artery in the body and if you blow that out, you will have a limited amount of time to be saved before you bleed out and die.


I literally shuttered reading your brother's story.  I hope he's doing well and I can commiserate with what a profoundly horrific experience that is.   I remember feeling the bone sticking out of my leg and that made it all the more scary.  

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Re: Update on Missing Neighbor

[ Edited ]

The first thing I wondered was if the police had been asked to do a wellness check. Is the house a rental or owned? It seems odd that they would have left cars there. There is more than enough reason to have someone enter the house to make sure everything is okay.

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Re: Update on Missing Neighbor

@KingstonsMom wrote:

@Icegoddess wrote:

I'm from The South.  We never mind our own business.



I beg to differ.


I'm from the deep south, born and raised and I expect my privacy, as well as I respect other's privacy.


That's a very broad statement to make and not at all true. There are nosey people everywhere.

Well said, @KingstonsMom. You stated exactly what I was thinking, word for word. 

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Re: Update on Missing Neighbor

I have not, and as far as I know nobody else has.  I'm fairly confident they are not in the house.  They stopped the mail, and someone extended that mail hold a month.  They moved 2 of their cars up close to the house and took the 3rd car.  


Someone mentioned that surely they had friends or family who would know.  I'm not sure of that.  I have never seen anybody there besides people doing work.  So, I don't know if they have either.


I agree with the people who say there are plenty of rational reasons for them to be gone, but that also doesn't rule out that something bad might've happened to them.  Just today this showed up in my Facebook Newsfeed.  This is NOT my next door neighbors, but is just an example of what CAN happen.


Family Of Missing Putnam County Couple Fear The Worst

Kristie and Henry Wilson were last seen on May 9th of this year and then seemed to vanish.

There were last seen in Monterey, Tennessee.

The only trace was cell phones last pinged off a cell tower, off Highway 85 somewhere between Allred, and Wilder.

This past weekend a new development. The couple's vehicle was found a couple hundred feet down a steep hill.

According to a family member the vehicle was found upside down. The keys in the ignition and full of mud and debris from a nearby creek. The Wilson's were not in the car.

Did someone push the car off the cliff? The area is somewhat near a place called "Insurance Hill."

"Insurance Hill" is a place where several vehicles have been reportedly pushed off to collect insurance money.

The vehicle was spotted by highway workers working on a section of HWY 85 in neighboring Fentress County.

The vehicle was approximately 20 miles from their last sighting.

Law Enforcement told the family it may take a few weeks for the car to dry out enough to do forensic testing.

A family source has told me that investigators fear the worst may have happened to the couple. According to the family member they have been told there are "suspects" and possible locations.

The family remains hopeful and they wish to bring them home.

If you have any information about the disappearance or the whereabouts of Kristie and Henry Wilson please call the Putnam County Sheriff's Office or the TBI.

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Re: Update on Missing Neighbor

@chickenbutt..........thank you on behalf of my brother.  He has advanced osteoporosis and has since broken his other femur and numerous vertabrae.  He now keeps his cell phone on him at all times.

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Re: Update on Missing Neighbor

[ Edited ]

Concern of your neighbors, under the conditions the op has said ,is not being noisie, really would think the police would enter the house. and at least check.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.