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Trying to Grasp Concept of Winter

A large portion of my adult life was spent in the San Antonio area. We moved back to West Texas where we lived in our childhoods.  I have never lived in an area that gets cold and stays cold. I got a glimpse of it when our power grid failed. I cannot grasp the concept of sustained cold for months.


In the northern states especially New England and the Great Lakes, how do you prepare physically to stay warm? Is that why QVC has winter sheets, cabin socks, and so many throws? What is your winter like in these states?

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Re: Trying to Grasp Concept of Winter

And I can't imagine having heat/humidity year round!  Have lived most of my life in the Northeast and now Midwest.  We have heat in our homes!  Warm coats, sweaters, boots to go out.  Have to admit that around mid-February it gets a bit tiresome!  


Will take the cold over unrelenting heat any day!!


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Re: Trying to Grasp Concept of Winter

As @kaydee50  said, our homes are heated, as are the cars and we own a winter coat, jacket, and sweaters. 

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Re: Trying to Grasp Concept of Winter

I think I did a bad job asking the question. If we have a cold day or two, the temperature go back up relatively quickly. Understanding that it is not going to go back up is what I am having difficulty grasping. I am intrigued by how one prepares for life in a sustained colder climate.

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Re: Trying to Grasp Concept of Winter

@On It     I left Chicago after the "Blizzard of '67".    That sorta sums it up for me(!)    di

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Re: Trying to Grasp Concept of Winter

@On It    I spent my high school and college years in SE Pennsylvania, the Philly suburbs.  It wasn't the cold that bothered me, as I adjusted easily, but rather is constant dismal gray skies.  Its depressing to always see cloudy and overcast.


Here in the Southwest, the Sunbelt, an overcast day is a rare treat.  As you know we have pretty much constant blue skies and sunshine.

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Re: Trying to Grasp Concept of Winter

@On It wrote:

I think I did a bad job asking the question. If we have a cold day or two, the temperature go back up relatively quickly. Understanding that it is not going to go back up is what I am having difficulty grasping. I am intrigued by how one prepares for life in a sustained colder climate.




cannot say that i am in a "sustained colder climate" because we live in maryland and we pretty much have 4 distinct seasons. we had a particularly hot and humid summer.......and it is my least favorite season now. at this point i could never be a real "snowbird" and crave a warmer climate for an extended period of time.


autumn is my favorite season, with winter close behind it. i dont have any trouble adjusting when the cooler and cold weather hit. i am at the stage of my life when i rarely even wear a heavy coat anymore because i overheat. i just add an additional layer and/or wear 3/4 or long sleeves. even in the winter i still sleep in sleeveless tops, never wear socks, and have the windows cracked open a bit for fresh air at night.

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Re: Trying to Grasp Concept of Winter

Like @proudlyfromNJ said, we have coats, hats, gloves, heated homes, cars, etc.


I'm in Michigan where it can be in negative digits for weeks, months, at a time.


We can go from a 95 degree day to a 30 degree day in a minute.


Honestly, those of us in the cold, snowy, icy states are a very hardy people. You just adapt and get used to it. It's really no big whoop to us 😆❄️


I have an uncle in Florida who can't handle a 40 degree day, where as I can get by without wearing a jacket in those temperatures. Some around here are still in shorts.





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Re: Trying to Grasp Concept of Winter

I've lived in Chicago my whole life. Winters are long and hard. You think it's finally ending then it snows mid April. Getting out if the shower is cold. Getting into your car is cold. Keeping the driveway/stoop clean is a pain. It gets very dark by 5:00. 

I buy wool socks and pretty much wear them non stop for 4 months. My robe is never far away. 


i would rather be hot than cold. 


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Re: Trying to Grasp Concept of Winter

[ Edited ]

I'm sure it's just the opposite for us in Arizona. Everything is air conditioned, shorts and tee most of the year. We rejoice when we can wear long pants and a long sleeved shirt. Coats are used a few days a year. We make it through months of 100 degree plus temps same as others make it through snow.