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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 2

It is sunny and 72 degrees on Nov. 2 !🌞🌞

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 2

For the four  one hundred's of an inch rain we had here in California last night.

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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 2

[ Edited ]

SLEEP  --   The construction guys working on my flood restoration work in shifts...(I don't)

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 2

Today I'm thankful for a job I love, and all the nice people that I work with. 


I missed yesterday, but that would be my family.  And even though we will miss my Dad this Thanksgiving holiday, I'm thankful for all the many years we had with him, and the great example of a good person and father that he was his entire life. 

......You look like I need a drink.....
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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 2

A self cleaning oven.

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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 2

I am thankful for my health, even though I have my first broken bone with an ankle injury it is healing nicely and I am mobile thanks to that boot.


Mostly thankful for our move 24 years ago from California to Colorado and am in awe daily of the beauty and friends and generally the people in this state.


Thankful for Sam's Club and their deliveries that can arrive within a couple hours of placing the order.  Mostly thankful for the Chicken Caesar individual salads lol, delicious.  


Thankful for this group, hope it remains for a very long time! Smiley Happy

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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 2

The rainy day.

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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 2

Thankful for people I love and for people who love me.

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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 2

I love this.  I've committed to doing this in my personal life.  We should always have an attitude of gratitude, but sometimes we forget that.  Thanks for starting this thread, @ThinkingOutLoud.  It's a beautiful way to get our minds set right for the season.  Today, I'm catching up, just did Day 1.  Today I'm also thankful for my husband.  He's faithful and patient, my best friend and partner in life.  We've been together forever and I wouldn't want it any other way. 

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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 2

Today I'm thankful for Indian summer in November!