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To Anyone Dealing With COPD...

My husband was always such an energetic vital person and COPD has caused him to be depressed and sometimes difficult. I need to know how others handle this. He quit smoking 20 years ago and follows all the medical advice from his doctor. Thank you.
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Re: To Anyone Dealing With COPD...

I have it, too. Mostly I notice a drop in stamina so I need to plan my activities accordingly.

As a former smoker, there's a lot of self-blame. It's a condition that isn't apparent to others (unless supplementary oxygen is required) so trying to keep up can cause some annoyance to others, but mostly to oneself. Climbing stairs, for instance, requires slowing down and a momentary time-out at the summit. An explanation may be required, and understanding on the part of companions.

COPD is progressive so I intend to do as much as I can while I still can. It can be depressing to compare your present self to your younger, healthier self, or, worse, to those "active seniors" in commercials pitching various drugs. Puleeeze!

I wish you both the best. It's quite a challenge.

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Re: To Anyone Dealing With COPD...

Went through 20 pulmonary rehab classes after my second bout with PE. I was the only one there that was not on 24 /7 oxygen, when talking to some of the other participants every single one of them had been a smoker. The most common response I heard from all of them was "if only I would have", and I will leave you to finish their comment.While these patients will never be what they used to be but from my understanding with the right exercises along with medical treatment, most have the ability to maintain their present percentage of lung volume. It is not pleasant to see anyone in this condition and I wish the best to everyone that is having to deal with it.
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Re: To Anyone Dealing With COPD...

My husband was diagnosed with COPD 2 years ago. He takes 4 breathing treatments a day, with 2 steroids, and also uses inhalers. No in home oxygen, yet. My husband is different these days, and he is slowly accepting his limitations, but he makes an effort to do what he feels he can. He still gets together with his friends 2-3x a week, and continues to be helpful around the house. Just today he helped me clean all the ceiling fans in the house. The key is to keep going as long as he can. If he chooses to sit down and stay down, he will lose his lung capacity sooner, and then find himself unable to do anything he needs or wants to do.
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Re: To Anyone Dealing With COPD...

My father had COPD and congestive heart failure. He passed away in 2009. He went from inhalers to full time oxygen over the course of about eight years. He was also depressed and difficult, but he only showed that side to my mother. She didn't say anything to him about it. She chose to live with it in silence. She ended up bitter about it, but has since let it go. She blamed him and not the disease, but they are her feelings. All we knew about the disease was what he told us. As it turns out, he kept us in the dark. He went to the ER many times over the years for breathing problems. The last time he went, they kept him and put him in a nursing home. He was there for two months before passing. He told us the Dr said he was coming home, which turned out not to be true. I wish you the best.
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Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Re: To Anyone Dealing With COPD...

My DH and I both had pulmonary function tests probably ten years ago. We both are former smokers, with my husband smoking longer and more then me. I was diagnosed with COPD, he was not.

I was prescribed inhalers initially, but only used them for about 3 months. I am presently 63 and have no problems with my breathing or becoming short of breath, except may-be after extreme physical exertion. I sometimes even wonder if my diagnosis is correct, but I don't know what the future holds. I do know that I need to keep my weight in check.

I wish I had some advice for you, but I don't. Perhaps it would be helpful for you to speak with your husband's doctor and he can give you insight. Is your husband going to a pulmonary specialist? I am not sure if there are ways thru breathing exercises that he would enable him to build up his stamina.

I wish you and your DH my best.