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Tips on Looking for an Apartment

My sister is moving out since she will be getting married and I really don't want to get a roommate. I want to downsize and get a one bedroom or studio apartment. We got really lucky when we found our current apartment as the landlord didn't run a credit check and made moving in very easy. I suspect I may not be so lucky this time around. Any tips that you found helpful? I'm planning to find a place soon in order to move in July 1st. TIA

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Re: Tips on Looking for an Apartment

One thing to do: When you find the neighborhood you like, call the local police department and ask about the crime activity.


No neighborhood, and I mean NO neighborhood, is 100%  crime free, but at least know what you are dealing with.


I wish you all the best.

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Re: Tips on Looking for an Apartment



Ask your current landlord if he knows of anything smaller, or knows of anyone who might have something.


I used to have great luck doing this.


Best Wishes.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Tips on Looking for an Apartment

@Drythe Excellent idea.

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Re: Tips on Looking for an Apartment

[ Edited ]

Here are some tips I got when looking for my first apartment near the city:


1. If the blinds are down when they show you the apartment, open them to see what they are hiding.


2. Ask to open the windows when you first get there so you can see how loud it is with the windows open.


3.  The strong smell of freshly sprayed for roaches, etc. could mean there is a problem, although some places may automatically spray after each tenant as part of their refreshing of the space.  As such, open every cabinet, the oven and closets to see if anything runs our or is dead in there (sorry to be so gross).


4.  Note where the elevators, freight elevator and garbage shoots are in relation to your apartment.  The elevators can be annoying at night when you are trying to sleep and if people are moving in and out it can be annoying on weekends.  People toss trash all day and night and don't realize how loud it is when you are sleeping.





QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Tips on Looking for an Apartment

[ Edited ]

find a neighborhood you feel comfortable in.


call police to see how crime rate is (I believe someone mentioned that in another post)


make sure you can afford the rent.


ask  your landlord if they know of any available apartment in an area he would recommend. You could luck out if there was a smaller place in the apartment complex you are living in. 


talk with people when you find an apartment you feel comfortable with to see how other people are in the complex. 


that was excellent idea about roaches/mice problem, check for dead bugs--or droppings, open the windows --shades too. Wow i have forgotten so much about renting, I was young when I was renting LOL that was a whole long time ago.  


in one apartment complex we lived in, the young kid in the next unit would blast his radio (boom box back then) so loud my walls would vibarte. I would constantly have to knock on their unit door to quiet the kid down.




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Re: Tips on Looking for an Apartment

Try to check out the area of complex on a weekend or evening. That way you can see what it's like when people are home.


Try for a top floor. If you can't ask who would be above you. If you're going to be annoyed by kids running around you don't want them overhead. Of course that could change at any time which is why I'd always go top floor.

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Re: Tips on Looking for an Apartment

Try to improve your credit record?  Check to see if there are any inaccuracies.

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Re: Tips on Looking for an Apartment

[ Edited ]

If living alone, I would suggest a few things.


Doors without windows in them. Doors with windows in them are too easy to knock a pane out, turn the lock and get right in.


Make sure all windows have locks that work. Make sure any sliding glass doors are the kind that can't be lifted out from the outside to break in. Make sure there is a lock on it, and putting a cut off broom stick or piece of wood in the track when not home or at night is additional safety.


I prefer an apartment that has outside access. No hallways or stair cases. My knees wouldn't handle the steps well, and hallways can hide people who might be up to no good. Apartments with your own separate entrance/porch seem safer to me.


If you drive, where is parking? Many apartments here are being built like duplexes, with driveways and your own garage, that when you pull in, you can enter your home from directly inside your own garage, after you put the door down with the remote, from the safety of the inside of your car. 


If outside parking is all that is available, is it right near your door, and is there adequate lighting in the lot at night? Are there assigned spots to ensure you get one close the the building/door?


Consider the area for crime, public transportation stops, and proximity to shopping or other things you need or use (doctors, hospitals, jobs, church, etc.). 


Your area may have lots to choose from or the market may be very tight, but look at lots of places if you can. Consider places that seem out of your financial reach, as sometimes they can be a better deal, as around here, some places pay a lot more of your utilities. Most here cover water/sewer, and trash. Some though pay all utilities, except phone and cable. So while that may seem to cost a lot, not having to pay utilities (especially heating/cooling) may actually make it the same monthly expense, or even less than a cheaper apartment where the utilities will run high because of lack of insulation or storm/insulated windows.


Many older apartment buildings haven't been updated and the insulation, windows and doors aren't energy efficient, and when paying utilities can add a lot to your monthly expenses.


Read the lease carefully before signing. You don't want surprises after the fact. Know before hand what you can and can't have or do.


Consider if you want a nice outside space. A deck or patio and some yard or will something more like a high rise building more suited to you? Here many apartments are now first floor only, have nice patios and porches or even small decks out back. It is more like a tiny house than a traditional apartment. 

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Re: Tips on Looking for an Apartment

@Love my grandkids


Great suggestion! These days many police departments have websites where you can pull up this information. It’s especially helpful if they display the crime statistics on a map because you can check the stats for the areas around/near the apartment you’re considering as well as the one where the apartment is actually located.