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@gaga wrote:

Have had a problem with tiny ants in my Bathrooms...WHY???  Is it dampness when I get out of the shower???  Got rid of them with Raid Ant Traps & spray.  However in the front of our home I had larger Ants coming in front outside thru a crack in my Window Sill.  Caulked the Sill but once they get in forget it.  Finally called an exterminator & he sprayed around the Windows & the entire Perimiter of the house.  No more Ants.  Thank God they never got in my Kitchen.  Disgusting.  FYI: Per exterminator,  after you spray inside & the Ants die, DO NOT touch them for at least 48 hrs. I cleaned up too soon & they came back.  



They are thirsty.

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I tried to go the Terro route but ended up calling an Exterminator and haven't seen an ant since.

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I have never had a bait or a wimpy spray solve the problem.  Waste of money.


You need to work back along their path to find the source.  Mine were in the ground.  Can take a flashlight and a couple of days to solve.


Then get a liquid spray and soak the source and along the path.  There are better sprays at places like Home Depot.  Mine is out in the shed right now, but it is an Ortho product.  

You can do this!  They are just dumb critters.


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@Judaline wrote:

If they aren't after sugar, what do they want??? They totally ignored Terro.

This is going to sound crazy, but you need to *work* with them.  Them being the ants....


I can't tell you how many times I twisted open the clear packs of liquid Terro and set it right where the ants were gathering.  Only to throw them away.


It's like they weren't interested in climbing inside the clear pack.


So I put disposable gloves on and took a toothpick and just dipped it into the liquid.  I'd lay the point of the toothpick down and if they came near it and *tasted* it, fine, if they were stubborn, I would make a circle around the ant with the toothpick so the ant had to walk in it to get away or dab the ant itself.


I'd also put some on a piece of cardboard and lay it in the area.  The ants would end up on it.  Some would delve into and die in it immediately.  Others would walk away after tasting it and you could tell they were *effected* because they sort of start jolting around, or flipping over.


Once you have that going, they will disappear.  But it takes a bit of time, patience and effort.  


I'd definitely wear gloves and thoroughly clean up the area that you have treated once they are gone.

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Everyone seems to be complaining about them this year.  I had them around me kitchen sink.  I put out Terro liquid and the had a party in it for 2 days, the some left but quite a few stayed, hoping for a refill.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I went through somethinglast year .... I got the exterminator .... they were tiny beetles!


I had to clean out all the kitchen cabinets - get rid of anything in cardboard boxes .... It took three exterminator visits and several days work in wiping down all the kitchen cabinets ... and several hundred dollars worth of food (cereal, cake mixes, pasta, etc) in boxes.  






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It does seem as if there are more ants this year.  Where are the spiders when you want them! LOL

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Thanks for all the info. I picked up the terro to see if any guys were in the trap-they are so tiny it's hard to see them. But I think they were in and out fast but I've seen a couple walking verrrry slowwwwwly and I think they are headed for their demise. I will keep the faith. I can do this Smiley Happy

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i have a 2 part attack. The stakes are outside at the foundation where I see them in the house and the Combat traps are in the house wherever I have seen them. After having a big problem every year, this has been very successful. In the Spring, at the first sighting, I put these out and have not seen an ant since. Combat says to leave the traps out and unlike TERRO, I don't think the poison attracts ants. I also don't think TERRO kills the queen, which is the solution.

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I haven't seen any ants in years, but this year I've seen about three of the tiniest ants you've ever seen. Then, I saw two around my computer.

I've always believed if ever you see a bug on a counter or top, don't start going crazy with cabinets and tops, BUT, go for the floor. There's something on the floor that's drawing them in, not in your cabinets or counter tops. 

I've steamed my kitchen floor and am watching for any more. If I see any more, I will have to go for the heavy artillery. Tiniest little things; can barely catch them and see them! Dang, I don't need this!

Thanks for all the good advice!