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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

@mistriTsquirrel wrote:

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

The Volkswagon one with the rocking vehicles makes me chuckle, as I think it's clever.



As soon as I saw the ad for V.I.Poo, I knew that feathers were going to be ruffled! *lol*



Seriously, our commercials are tame when you compare it to what is shown in other countries!



I think some people would faint if they saw what is shown over there!



At the very least, they would be clutching their pearls! *lol*

@Plaid Pants2


I hope you have your pearls handy.  I think this one is from the U.K....












That ad had me literally laughing out loud! 



Funny and cute!!!!

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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

I hate all pharmaceutical commercials and think they should be illegal.


I cringe at the needy children and animal commercials, can't look and can't hear (muted and hold my hands in front of my face).  And they are so long! 


There are a few I don't mind, and two or three I actually enjoy.



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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

@Plaid Pants2


I'm not sure why they chose a squirrel.


I can certainly think of gassier creatures.


A bear wouldn't have been as cute though.


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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

[ Edited ]

California Psychics. Preying on the gullible is despicable.


Eta: I can't handle the VI Poo commercials--they make me nauseous with the descriptive wording.

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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

I don't like the ones where they have children giving serious advice to adults.  I think it is for insurance or investments, but it really annoys me!


Don't like the Hail to the V, ad for a feminine hygiene product.



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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

The creep spanking his food. The people talking in little kid voices. All ads about constipation, toilet paper, bathroom stink, the "joys" of using personal lubricant.

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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

The Allstate commercial where Adam DeVine (from Workaholics) is getting his chest waxed.  We get hurts.  Stop making that annoying sound.

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

[ Edited ]

I have to admit that I haven't seen many of the ones mentioned here, but they sound very unappealing.


For me, it's still those Liberty-something-or-other insurance company ads.  The person is usually standing in front of the Statue of Liberty whining some kind of 'my insurance company doesn't love me...WAHHHHH' line of carp.   Then the narration goes on with stuff that anybody who has ever had insurance in their life would already know, but they are pretending they are something different, like having an older car receive replacement cost coverage on a regular auto policy.  Anyway, the whole things are aggravating to the max.

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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

Agree, shoekitty, I always think of Kathy Griffin when I see it too. Unpleasant all around. 

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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

The bears with the toilet paper.