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Time for a Full Body Workout!!!

Shovelling snow!!



Gotta get moving....we got lot of snow last night here in W. Pa, and it's still snowing, but now coming from the north, so I'll do the south facing covered patio...should take about 1/2 hour....( snow was horizontal over night so the covered patio is full!)


I LIKE to shovel for's one of the BEST things for full body workout. I don't go crazy, but I do look forward to doing it instead of my Total Gym workout. ( which I do daily...I would NOT recommend starting an exercise program with today's snowfall...I ONLY consider it because I'm in shape to do it, but I use my little timer and stop at 1/2 hour.)


I'm 65 and happy I can still do this kind of physical work...and it feels SO GOOD when I'm done!!


I figure it'll take a week to get to the end on my driveway, unless I give in and use the snowblower. Even if I DO use it, I still shovel for at least 15 mins before so I get my exercise for the day...


I make is a  positive!! And physical work like shovelling erases all the negative nonsense we are constantly bombarded with on a daily's snowing, quiet, and restorative!!!



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Re: Time for a Full Body Workout!!!

I'm glad you are looking forward to it and glad you made the point about being in shape to do it too, as some people even younger, should go easy with it. They always warn people "of a certain age" not to go out and go at it...especially if they don't do regular cardio exercise. I always worry about my bf...he does his shoveling, and then goes around doing everyone else's...which is so nice...but I think he needs to start being safe about it. Good luck my telling "superman" that. ha.


That said...I'm amazed you got so much snow and we only got rain mostly, where I am in CT. Still raining now and not too cold.


...for now, anyway. Sure could use a little ⛅️

Good luck with your shoveling!

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Re: Time for a Full Body Workout!!!

A cardiologist told me.....after the age of 40 you should never shovel snow even if you exercise regularly. 

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Re: Time for a Full Body Workout!!!

I did some shoveling last night.  It snowed about an inch more then turned to rain and now there's slush on the front sidewalk.  Since it's supposed to be upper 30s here I think I'll wait before scraping slush off. I did notice when I woke up that muscles in lower back are a tiny bit sore, not bad at all, just enough to know I did some work yesterday that I don't normally do. 


Son plowed our driveway earlier.  That's looking slushy, too but we can navigate so all's fine. Smiley Happy  

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Re: Time for a Full Body Workout!!!

@Janey2 wrote:

A cardiologist told me.....after the age of 40 you should never shovel snow even if you exercise regularly. 

Uh-oh.  I'm 67 and just went out to shovel my car out.  We had about 6-8 inches but I had to do it because I've got to bring my car in to have a tire checked cuz it keeps losing air.  We have a snow blower but I have no idea how to use it and my husband is out of town.  I cleaned the end of the driveway to get out into the road and the city plow came down again and pushed it all back.  Ugh.  I know they have a job to do but .... 


It's a really heavy snow and not the light fluffy stuff.

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Re: Time for a Full Body Workout!!!

@amyb I know right?  I'm your neighbor in RI and we just had wind swept rain here, hardly any snow at all.  I am actually disappointed.  


Have fun in your snow everyone but do be cautious as even if you are fit, snow shoveling puts a tremendous strain on the heart.

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Re: Time for a Full Body Workout!!!


@Janey2 wrote:

A cardiologist told me.....after the age of 40 you should never shovel snow even if you exercise regularly. 

Personally, I agree with this...I'd err on the side of caution here. Time to hire the kids on the street, or the guy with the plowing business. I realize everyone's situation and access to help is varied...just try to get help; it's out there.

I've always heard heart docs warnings on this too, and take it seriously. Even being in shape, every exertion is a different type to the heart. 

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Re: Time for a Full Body Workout!!!

@amyb wrote:


@Janey2 wrote:

A cardiologist told me.....after the age of 40 you should never shovel snow even if you exercise regularly. 

Personally, I agree with this...I'd err on the side of caution here. Time to hire the kids on the street, or the guy with the plowing business. I realize everyone's situation and access to help is varied...just try to get help; it's out there.

I've always heard heart docs warnings on this too, and take it seriously. Even being in shape, every exertion is a different type to the heart. 

The OP has a snowblower.

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Re: Time for a Full Body Workout!!!

[ Edited ]

@mom2four0418 I was just talking in general, not specifically to OP.

Yes, whole different thing snowblower...good she's got that.


I'm in a condo complex, most of it, thankfully, is done for us. We then just have to clean off or dig out our cars, which is sometimes worse than other times. I'm in "that age group" so I just try to go easy, a little at a time with it. I never feel too over exerted..but you never know what can sneak up on you!