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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

I am checking in on Tiggi and you too. It may be a blessing you are able to be there . I am glad she is doing OK. I hope that new medications will help her even more.


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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

Thanks, everyone! Tiggi's still doing well.

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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

So good to hear that Tiggi is doing well. Know how frustrating it is to be job hunting. I'll pray that the right opportunity will show itself soon.

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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

Weekly check-in on the house of Miss Tiggi! Hope you're both doing OK. Hang in there on the job front!

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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

Sammycat, she was doing great until a couple days ago. She went almost 3 weeks with a great appetite and no need for the appetite stimulant. Yesterday I had a family reunion to attend, and she stayed in the same spot the whole time I was away, and she didn't eat...She has the bloated prednisone belly and she waddles when she walks. The waddle-walk started on Monday. On the days she gets the Pred her appetite is good, the other days she doesn't eat much - I have to hold the plate in front of her to get her servings all in for the day. Today I found her eating the cat litter, looked that up and it says she could be anemic. Her labs in August showed slight anemia, it may be worse now. I'll call Dr. Webb tomorrow.

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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

On 10/26/2014 Indy-Blonde2 said:

Sammycat, she was doing great until a couple days ago. She went almost 3 weeks with a great appetite and no need for the appetite stimulant. Yesterday I had a family reunion to attend, and she stayed in the same spot the whole time I was away, and she didn't eat...She has the bloated prednisone belly and she waddles when she walks. The waddle-walk started on Monday. On the days she gets the Pred her appetite is good, the other days she doesn't eat much - I have to hold the plate in front of her to get her servings all in for the day. Today I found her eating the cat litter, looked that up and it says she could be anemic. Her labs in August showed slight anemia, it may be worse now. I'll call Dr. Webb tomorrow.

Hang in there, Debby. Schmoo had anemia and was able to battle it - she can get some injections for it and that usually brings it into line fairly quickly. I know you're scared -- we are praying for your beloved Tiggi at the special prayer tonight at 8 and all around the clock. Please keep us posted!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

I am still thinking of you and Tiggi. I hope it goes well at the vets .


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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

Checking in on Tiggi and praying for her.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎09-02-2011

Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

`Sent with love and remembrance of a beautiful life together with Tiggi~ for all the years as she shined as a bright star, for today's hand stroke through her fur, for all the days she is with you`

...dear Debby,

my thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Please know that you are in my prayers

May you find peace and comfort in the years of loving memories.

Knowing I understand your devoted love for all of your dear pets. I do really care.

I, too, know that sorrow that leaves a heartache no one person can heal...

May God be with you~always~



October 27th, 2014-Monday

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Posts: 486
Registered: ‎09-23-2013

Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

I've got a call in to Dr. Webb - I don't know how much more I can take.

About 10 days ago, my former feral cat Stinky, who has been constipated for a few years but Miralax helped, was straining to poo so hard I found her panting. I took her to the vet, they did xrays and blood work - another $500.00.

Stinky's lab work was normal, her xrays showed nothing abnormal like megacolon. It wasn't Dr. Webb, he wasn't there that day, but the other vet told me to increase her Miralax, which I did. That was ok until 3 days ago she started having the runs - never in her life has she had the runs. I've since backed off the Miralax some, but she still has them. This also came at a time when she was running low on her normal canned cat food so I substituted a couple of cans of what she used to eat until the new food arrived. It's not an all-day type of thing, once a day but now I don't know what to do. I'm so sick of all this and I know DBF is also.