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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

On 10/27/2014 Indy-Blonde2 said:

I've got a call in to Dr. Webb - I don't know how much more I can take.

About 10 days ago, my former feral cat Stinky, who has been constipated for a few years but Miralax helped, was straining to poo so hard I found her panting. I took her to the vet, they did xrays and blood work - another $500.00 my DBF had to pay because even though I've sent out over 100 resumes, only 2 job interviews and I didn't get the jobs....I cannot afford all this.

Stinky's lab work was normal, her xrays showed nothing abnormal like megacolon. It wasn't Dr. Webb, he wasn't there that day, but the other vet told me to increase her Miralax, which I did. That was ok until 3 days ago she started having the runs - never in her life has she had the runs. I've since backed off the Miralax some, but she still has them. This also came at a time when she was running low on her normal canned cat food so I substituted a couple of cans of what she used to eat until the new food arrived. It's not an all-day type of thing, once a day but now I don't know what to do. I'm so sick of all this and I know DBF is also.

What a shame Indy. I know miralax sometimes takes 3 days to work and it probably caught up with her, especially since her colon was backed up. She should be fine pretty soon but I wouldn't give her anymore. We do what we have to do. Good luck with both.

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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

On 10/27/2014 Indy-Blonde2 said:

I've got a call in to Dr. Webb - I don't know how much more I can take.

About 10 days ago, my former feral cat Stinky, who has been constipated for a few years but Miralax helped, was straining to poo so hard I found her panting. I took her to the vet, they did xrays and blood work - another $500.00 my DBF had to pay because even though I've sent out over 100 resumes, only 2 job interviews and I didn't get the jobs....I cannot afford all this.

Stinky's lab work was normal, her xrays showed nothing abnormal like megacolon. It wasn't Dr. Webb, he wasn't there that day, but the other vet told me to increase her Miralax, which I did. That was ok until 3 days ago she started having the runs - never in her life has she had the runs. I've since backed off the Miralax some, but she still has them. This also came at a time when she was running low on her normal canned cat food so I substituted a couple of cans of what she used to eat until the new food arrived. It's not an all-day type of thing, once a day but now I don't know what to do. I'm so sick of all this and I know DBF is also.

Hi Indy -- I know you must be at wit's end. I really urge you to contact Red Rover -- this is emergency $$ for pets and their pet parents who are in financial or other crisis. They match you to an anonymous donor, who takes care of the medical bills via Red Rover itself. You would eligible for this help and they can provide it asap, even in emergency situations. They're a reputable organization (I have 2 friends who are anonymous donors). This may at least take some of the stress out of this for you and DBF.

Here's the link:

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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

I am trying the bland diet thing with Stinky, I've withheld her food for almost 12 hours and I'm trying the chicken and rice diet for her later tonight. If that doesn't help, she's going back to the vet.

Dr. Webb just called, he said there's different causes for anemia, and lymphoma has to do with the bone marrow and nothing really would help Tiggi. He wants me to increase her prednisone. I was wrong all along on the amount she was getting, she is NOT on 90 MG but that's the way they "word" it on the bottle for their bookkeeping dept. He wants me to try AM and PM on the pred, skip a day, etc. instead of once a day every other day.

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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

On 10/27/2014 Indy-Blonde2 said:

Thanks,Sammycat. I think I looked into the last time you mentioned it. It says you have to apply for CareCredit first. I can't apply for CC since I don't have a job. DBF already has CareCredit and has used that for Tiggi and Stinky. At least it's 6 months no finance charge. Smiley Happy He's not maxed out or anything, but I feel so damned guilty he has to pay for this.

Anyway, I am trying the bland diet thing with Stinky, I've withheld her food for almost 12 hours and I'm trying the chicken and rice diet for her later tonight. If that doesn't help, she's going back to the vet.

Dr. Webb just called, he said there's different causes for anemia, and lymphoma has to do with the bone marrow and nothing really would help Tiggi. He wants me to increase her prednisone. I was wrong all along on the amount she was getting, she is NOT on 90 MG but that's the way they "word" it on the bottle for their bookkeeping dept. He wants me to try AM and PM on the pred, skip a day, etc. instead of once a day every other day.

Call or email the Red Rover people if you should not have to apply for Care Credit first -- explain to them you're unemployed. If you want, I know there are other organizations that can help with this and get you the info....and I am happy to do it. I'll also be in touch with a friend who has connections in the animal community and see if there's something else that can be done.

We are with you -- I know how heartbreaking AND hard this can be. Thanks for taking the time to update us on Tiggi and Stinky -- our prayers continue as always for all of you.

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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

Debby, here's a link to more national organizations that offer help...then further down on the page, there are links to state-related organizations that might help. I thought you were in Indiana. Hope his helps!

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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

Yes, I am.

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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

Sending out more very special prayers to your precious Tiggi and Stinky and more very special hugs to the three of you.

(((((((((((((INDY & HER BELOVED TIGGI & STINKY))))))))))


All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

Indy, keeping you and your babies in my prayers.
Trusted Contributor
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Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

Cjecking to see how both Tiggi and Stinky are doing. Praying for them both.

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Super Contributor
Posts: 486
Registered: ‎09-23-2013

Re: Tiggi, my Maine Coon, may have cancer :(

Thanks, Beastie, Sheltiemom and BJ. Dr. Webb had me increase her pred a little and she's still doing pretty well. Stinky....I've been giving her a little Fage greek yogurt since she didn't like the vanilla Activia but she still has soft poo. It's a once a day poo but I'm giving the yogurt a little longer to see if it helps. She seems OK otherwise.