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Re: Three-year old girl asked to leave KFC Restaurant....

On 6/16/2014 Clover29 said:
On 6/16/2014 Me And My Shadow said:

I just saw this on our local news tonight...They were interviewing the grandmother and she stated that her and her granddaughter were asked to leave KFC as her granddaughter's appearance was making it difficult for the other customers....I just can't imagine something like this happening!....It was also mentioned that KFC is offering $30,000 to cover medical expenses for the granddaughter.

I don't go to restaurants to gawk at other diners. I can't imagine how low someone would have to be to complain to the server, or the server not tell them to have some respect and if they don't like how the little girl looks, they should leave and take their bigotry with them.

However, for every "this bad thing allegedly happened in a restaurant" story, there seems to be another shortly thereafter totally debunking it as malicious mischief. I'm waiting to see how this one plays out.

Yes, I agree...and I can't even imagine a grandmother making up such a story like this for the sole purpose of monetary gain...yet, then again, with everything that goes on, unfortunately, it wouldn't be shocking if that happens to be the case.

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Re: Three-year old girl asked to leave KFC Restaurant....

I think KFC's prompt response....and generous donation regardless of what their investigation might turn up ......shows class.

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Re: Three-year old girl asked to leave KFC Restaurant....

WHAT is wrong with people??!!
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Re: Three-year old girl asked to leave KFC Restaurant....

On 6/16/2014 kittymomNC said:
On 6/16/2014 ~moxie~ said: This story is 3 or 4 days old. It has been all over the internet.

Maybe you should be there instead of here.....

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Re: Three-year old girl asked to leave KFC Restaurant....

On 6/16/2014 ~moxie~ said: This story is 3 or 4 days old. It has been all over the internet.

Maybe you've heard about it before, but it's the first I've heard about it.

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Be Vigilent
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Re: Three-year old girl asked to leave KFC Restaurant....

This little girl has several surgeries ahead of her, and there has been a donation page set up which, including the $30,000 from KFC, has raised $80,000 for her medical bills. The grandmother had a Facebook page where she was keeping people up to date on Victoria's condition--that's where she posted about the incident in the restaurant and it went viral apparently. I don't see how anyone could be doing this for monetary gain when I'm sure this child's medical bills are sky-high...and this certainly does not appear to be a family with a lot of money.

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Re: Three-year old girl asked to leave KFC Restaurant....

kittymom....Thanks for posting that #19.

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Re: Three-year old girl asked to leave KFC Restaurant....

On 6/16/2014 kittymomNC said:
On 6/16/2014 Me And My Shadow said:
On 6/16/2014 adelle38 said:
On 6/16/2014 Me And My Shadow said:

I just saw this on our local news tonight...They were interviewing the grandmother and she stated that her and her granddaughter were asked to leave KFC as her granddaughter's appearance was making it difficult for the other customers....I just can't imagine something like this happening!....It was also mentioned that KFC is offering $30,000 to cover medical expenses for the granddaughter.

Were there any witnesses or are they just talking the grandmother's word?

Nothing was mentioned about witnesses...and I would also be interested in knowing if KFC has actually made an official statement about this?

KFC posted an apology the next morning, requesting details.

"As soon as we were notified of this report on Friday, we immediately began an investigation, as this kind of hurtful and disrespectful action would not be tolerated by KFC," spokesman Rick Maynard wrote Sunday in an email to The Associated Press. "Regardless of the outcome of our investigation, we have apologized to Victoria's family and are committed to assisting them. The company is making a $30,000 donation to assist with her medical bills. The entire KFC family is behind Victoria."

Wow, that is very generous. I think they went above and beyond.

Unfortunately when you own a business, just one knuckle head can go and make an inappropriate comment and ruin years of hard work building a good reputation. I am not saying KFC has a good or bad reputation and ultimately the buck does stop with them but if I did eat there I would not consider boycotting them for one second. They have more than made up for it.

It is sad that one person could do such a thing to hurt such a sweet and innocent little girl and it is sad that one persons actions could hurt a company when they are obviously doing their best to make it right.

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Re: Three-year old girl asked to leave KFC Restaurant....

On 6/16/2014 Me And My Shadow said:
On 6/16/2014 adelle38 said:
On 6/16/2014 Me And My Shadow said:

I just saw this on our local news tonight...They were interviewing the grandmother and she stated that her and her granddaughter were asked to leave KFC as her granddaughter's appearance was making it difficult for the other customers....I just can't imagine something like this happening!....It was also mentioned that KFC is offering $30,000 to cover medical expenses for the granddaughter.

Were there any witnesses or are they just talking the grandmother's word?

Nothing was mentioned about witnesses...and I would also be interested in knowing if KFC has actually made an official statement about this?

ITA...these stories always end with a 'raised eyebrow ...who leaked this to the media IF it was true? Silly.

And when I mentioned she should use the drive thru, the saying "just because you can, doesn't mean you should" phrase came to mind. I guess I was raised with a little moral decorum...just because I can wear a tight t-shirt to Walmart, doesn't mean I can waltz in there with the same tight t-shirt, but wet & braless. Common sense.

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Registered: ‎04-21-2014

Re: Three-year old girl asked to leave KFC Restaurant....

On 6/16/2014 sidsmom said:
On 6/16/2014 Me And My Shadow said:
On 6/16/2014 adelle38 said:
On 6/16/2014 Me And My Shadow said:

I just saw this on our local news tonight...They were interviewing the grandmother and she stated that her and her granddaughter were asked to leave KFC as her granddaughter's appearance was making it difficult for the other customers....I just can't imagine something like this happening!....It was also mentioned that KFC is offering $30,000 to cover medical expenses for the granddaughter.

Were there any witnesses or are they just talking the grandmother's word?

Nothing was mentioned about witnesses...and I would also be interested in knowing if KFC has actually made an official statement about this?

ITA...these stories always end with a 'raised eyebrow ...who leaked this to the media IF it was true? Silly.

And when I mentioned she should use the drive thru, the saying "just because you can, doesn't mean you should" phrase came to mind. I guess I was raised with a little moral decorum...just because I can wear a tight t-shirt to Walmart, doesn't mean I can waltz in there with the same tight t-shirt, but wet & braless. Common sense.

I really disagree with you, sidsmom. But it's okay to have a different take on this. This girl is just sweet......scars or no scars...