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This question is for any hospital nurses on the Forum

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When I had my first post surgery check up a couple of weeks ago , I wanted to stop by the floor I was on and thank the nurses . My husband didn't want me doing the extra walking. Has anyone ever sent flowers to the nurses station?  I received nine and a half days of excellent care and even though I thanked all of them, I would like to send a vase of flowers for everyone to enjoy even though I'm sure some won't see it and some will that didn't tend to me. It's the best I can do.  Is that something that is regularly done?

Is sending flowers to someone in the hospital something that is rarely done anymore? I don't think I saw one bouquet / vase of flowers in any rooms I would look in as I was doing my walking exercises. Maybe like most things in the world today they've just become too expensive. For Mother's Day today, my daughter picked some beautiful hydrangeas from my mother's flower beds. For those that don't know, she bought mom and dad's house when they moved into the assisted living facility. It will always be Mom and Dad's house to me though.

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Re: This question is for any hospital nurses on the Forum

@monicakm      Check with the hospital first.    A lot of them no longer allow LIVE flowers....(allergies, etc.)    di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: This question is for any hospital nurses on the Forum

No, but I know someone who has pizzas delivered for the daylight and nighttime shifts. 

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Re: This question is for any hospital nurses on the Forum

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@monicakm ITA with @Etoile308 Send or drop off some type of food for them to enjoy.  

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Re: This question is for any hospital nurses on the Forum

@monicakm wrote:

When I had my first post surgery check up a couple of weeks ago , I wanted to stop by the floor I was on and thank the nurses . My husband didn't want me doing the extra walking. Has anyone ever sent flowers to the nurses station?  I received nine and a half days of excellent care and even though I thanked all of them, I would like to send a vase of flowers for everyone to enjoy even though I'm sure some won't see it and some will that didn't tend to me. It's the best I can do.  Is that something that is regularly done?

Is sending flowers to someone in the hospital something that is rarely done anymore? I don't think I saw one bouquet / vase of flowers in any rooms I would look in as I was doing my walking exercises. Maybe like most things in the world today they've just become too expensive. For Mother's Day today, my daughter picked some beautiful hydrangeas from my mother's flower beds. For those that don't know, she bought mom and dad's house when they moved into the assisted living facility. It will always be Mom and Dad's house to me though.

@monicakm Check with hospital administration and ask about flowers or any other gift, i.e, food.  Because of allergies, it is asked that flowers and perfumes, etc., be kept from the hospital although even some respiratory therapists (who should have to hit the clock) will wear perfume to work.  I always appreciated a load of donuts in early morning.

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Re: This question is for any hospital nurses on the Forum

As a med surge nurse, I'll add my 2 cents. Even though flowers are a nice gesture, I agree with other posters, send some type of food item or baked good. Flowers just sit at the nurses station and eventually get thrown away. If you don't want to send a food item, just a simple thank you card means just as much to us. 

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Re: This question is for any hospital nurses on the Forum

By all means, show your appreciation for the staff.  We would have fruit baskets created for the staff.  My sister is in the nursing field and they always apprec9ated food gifts.

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Re: This question is for any hospital nurses on the Forum

[ Edited ]


I am not a nurse but have been hospitalized and I would guess hospital staff have as many flowers as they want.  People usually send patients flowers, and it is so nice to receive them, but ones I have received have been so fresh, I couldn't keep them in my room due to my allergies.  So I gave my flowers to the hospital staff.  I am sure many patients also leave flowers behind.


But I have seen medical/hospital staff post letters/photos from patients expressing their gratitude, and maybe those are welcome.  My gp group is always asking me to fill out patient satisfaction surveys, which I am not patient enough to fill out, but if your hospital has surveys for feedback, maybe that is appreciated too.


The food idea is I am sure good.


It reminded me of my most recent Thanksgiving.  I decided to buy my Thanksgiving meal at my favorite Puerto Rican spot, an unassuming place (photo below) with the best pernil de cerdo (roast pork), a traditional Puerto Rican dish, with rice and beans, avocado slices (from the street vendor).  A real feast for me!  When I went to get the food at this tiny place (Flavor House) with maybe 6 tables, not many visible customers, but they were busy, preparing over 1,000 meals for the nearby hospital!  So they probably do very well, and no one would think so, just looking at the place.  Anyway, on duty hospital staff gets a good Thanksgiving meal too!


latin food place.jpg


latin food place at thanksgiving.jpeg


fruit vendor.jpeg



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Re: This question is for any hospital nurses on the Forum

@monicakm  The best would be to take three boxes of good quality chocolates and label them for all three shifts. 7AM-3:30, 3-11PM, and 11-7AM. Most times the night shift loses out on treats because the goodies are eaten by the two shifts before them.Woman Frustrated


Chocolates are ALWAYS appreciated. That is very nice of you to think about them.Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎10-20-2010

Re: This question is for any hospital nurses on the Forum

@monicakm, Most hospitals are not allowing flowers or boxes of candy. Would you consider sending a note to the nurse manager of that particular floor thanking them for their many kindnesses to you. I'm sure it would be most appreciated. Hope hope goes well for you Tues. Will continue Stormin Heaven for yoy!!!  Always, Sligo