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Re: Thinking about leaving my job forever

Good for you.  Enjoy retirement because as others have said life is too short.  I had 6 nights in the hospital two weeks ago with my second heart attack.  Plenty of time to think.  After this winter, I'm retiring also full time now.  I work part time for a foot doc right now 4 days a week and the stress of doing everything in that office by myself is killing me slowly.  It's just not worth risking your health. I want to enjoy retirement while I'm still standing so next summer, I will be a permanent retired person.  Amen!!!

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Sounds great to me.  One thing I've noticed in my old age is that if you get to retire healthy it's a bonus.  



good luck

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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I have a neighbor who wants to retire but is worried about it.  She told me this week that they are letting her go down to a 3 day work week.  She prefers to ease into it.  It is a big decision for her....I can tell.  I don't think I would want to do that.... but she thinks it's the best way for her.  Best of luck to you for a happy retirement!

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Thinking about leaving my job forever

First of all HOW were you able to get a 3 week vacation???? I think that is why you are thinking about retirement. AND that is why many companies would not allow employees to take 3 week vacations.


After 3 week I don't think anyone would want to go back to work.


I have never been able to take more than a week vacation. I talked to my boss about taking 2 weeks off to do a Panama Canal cruise. She got a pained look of her face - I figured I would wait until I retired.


Well, good luck whatever you decide. Hope you make the best decision for you.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Thinking about leaving my job forever

[ Edited ]

Carmie, sometimes you just know when it’s time to retire.  I think it’s great that you can do so while you and your husband are active and healthy.   My husband retired a few years ahead of me.  Now that we’re both retired we’re really enjoying this time of life together. 

Best of luck to you.  


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Re: Thinking about leaving my job forever

@drizzellla wrote:

First of all HOW were you able to get a 3 week vacation???? I think that is why you are thinking about retirement. AND that is why many companies would not allow employees to take 3 week vacations.


After 3 week I don't think anyone would want to go back to work.


I have never been able to take more than a week vacation. I talked to my boss about taking 2 weeks off to do a Panama Canal cruise. She got a pained look of her face - I figured I would wait until I retired.


Well, good luck whatever you decide. Hope you make the best decision for you.

That is ridiculous! Many people have accrued time they need to use or lose it. Just because you take an extended vacay doesn't always mean you don't want to go back to work.



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Re: Thinking about leaving my job forever

Don't do anything until you have a financial plan in place.  You know you want to retire or cut down your hours.  That doesn't mean that you thought through the money part of it all.  Have you spoken with a financial counsellor?  Have you thought about health insurance?  You are healthy and active NOW, but have you thought about what will happen if either of you develops medical problem and the expenses.  Your husband is retired, you want to retire too.  Understandable.  A good retirement is based on more than what you want.  

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Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Thinking about leaving my job forever

Thanks everybody.  I have been thinking about it ever since my boss retired a month ago.  She was a lovely person and we worked together for years.


Upper management came to me and asked me to train a new college graduate to be my boss. Huh?


New employees to my department are required to go through a 6 week training program.  Then they usually sit with someone ( me) for another month or so before they are ready to be on their own.  It takes about a year until they can do the job without help.


There is no way I can train a new employee to be up to snuff and ready to be a boss in a few short weeks.  The girl they hired is not that smart and I am smart enough to know that it can't be done.


There are many employees in my department who are more than qualified for this position, so I don't know why the job wasn't posted and given to an experienced person.


There will be no 2 week notice.  I will just go to HR and hand in my notice.


I am 61 and my husband is 62.... We have planed for retirement for years and I almost retired when I was 55.


I own a  hair salon and also rental properties and still have my hair license and real estate licenses.  We both have a pension and savings. 


So, I will be a free woman come Monday.

Occasional Contributor
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Re: Thinking about leaving my job forever

If you have thought it through and can afford it, I say go for it.  I was fortunate to have an opportunity to retire from City government when they offered us incentives to retire early.    This was just about three years ago when I was 60...never thought I would be able to retire that young.  It has been wonderful ... No more job stress.  Have had time to volunteer with our church's food pantry and read in the public schools.  Also have been able to help my niece with her boys from time to time.  Life is short so enjoy while you can.  I have had absolutely no regrets...great decision.  Good luck to you!

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Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Thinking about leaving my job forever

I get  6 weeks vacation a year.   I often take  4 weeks off at a time.  It's not unusual for me.  I save my days up to be able to do this every year.