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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: The cost of campers these days --wow!

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Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,960
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: The cost of campers these days --wow!

okay something up with this site, I have written two replies, one the format was wacky, the other showed a blank box.



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Registered: ‎05-13-2010

Re: The cost of campers these days --wow!

Carmie--Not a dumb question.  Airstream organized tours-caravans.  So the organizer would have you take your Airstream to a dropoff point.  All the Airstreams would go on a boat--it did take weeks back and forth.  As for cost, I don't think the Airstream people thought a lot about cost.  I don't know if they still do this sort of thing.  Someone on the board might know.

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Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: The cost of campers these days --wow!

Thank you for your reply.  Wow,,,,just amazing.


One of our camping friends has an airstream and they are really nice campers,  I also saw another one, a real small trailer maybe for 2 people  last year while we were camping in NJ. 


The airstreams have a real cult following and they are expensive.  Too rich for my blood, but they last for years and are easy to resell.


I personally like the canned hams.  They are so cute and vintage.  My hubby on the other hand thinks we would kill each other in one of them as they are too small.  I agree, but I can resist a peek into one when I see them.

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Registered: ‎04-06-2010

Re: The cost of campers these days --wow!

DH & I have owned various types of trailer/campers for over 21 years. We got a little pop-up originally so we could go on trips with our dogs. Just sold the last one this past spring. Dogs are now in doggie heaven & we are ready to move on with the next phase of our lives as far as traveling goes (staying in hotels instead of a trailer). We live in west Michigan & our travels have mostly been in Michigan in those years. We have beautiful memories & got to see our wonderful state with our fur babies. Spouse is a wonderful photographer & we have seen & photographed all of Michigan's lighthouses & over half of our waterfalls. The trailer we just sold was so roomy and had so much cupboard space that the dogs even had their own cupboards. It was a great time in our lives, but time to move on now. Getting ready for a 2 week trip to Michigan's upper peninsula to see the gorgeous fall colors in a few weeks. Will be going "all the way" west to the Porcupine Mountains & Copper Harbor for those of you who know the area. Camping is what you make it & we have enjoyed (almost) every minute of making those memories.

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Posts: 25,929
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: The cost of campers these days --wow!

You said it all - camping is what you make of it. Personally - I have been camping my entire adult life and some day when we are too old to come camping we will be sad but will have wonderful memories.