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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Secret Life of the Cat

[ Edited ]

Cats!! Secret life indeed.  My cat Sushi is one of those cats that came to us as a neglected stray.  He knew everyone, or ...everyone knew him.  The places he went everyday to visit friends.   You could time his visits...until we got him, and "vet-ted "him, LOL!  Yes, neutered, de wormed, de mited him, nine yards of shots and tests.  Then home to us to locked doors, for a while.  We have to let him out a couple hours a day.  Watching him, he goes the same places.  He even has a possum friend he visits. He has been on restriction the last 2 days has he has been fighting. He can't get along with ANY cat.  He loves humans, but sees cats as competition for food I think.  Scars from his "orphaned" past maybe.


I love this video of Klepto Kitty. This cat was on the news a lot a few years back.  She lives in San Mateo, California and is a hoot!  Steals everything.   You all have probably seen it, but it is worth seeing again.  They attached a video to this cat.  Meezers are funny cats anywat!



Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,102
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: The Secret Life of the Cat

Thanks for the link, shoekitty...very funny cat....