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So, Thursday is Thanksgiving which starts the holiday season with Christmas, Chanukah, New Year's Eve, and New Years Day to follow. For many of us ( myself included) this is a lonely and sad time. People at work mean well and ask what your plans are for Thanksgiving, I usually make something up. Since my mother died the holidays haven't been the same, I just feel like I'm just trying to make it to the new year. For those that will be celebrating Thanksgiving I hope you enjoy being with family and friends. I'll be around for every holiday to check in. 

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I wish you could come with me to my family's. You would be hugged and so welcome! So don't feel like you are alone cause I will be thinking of you and you just imagine many are with you in spirit.

That's what I say when I can't be with someone in personSmiley Happy

Will be with you in spirit!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: The Holidays

[ Edited ]

Counting the days till January 2nd.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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I'm sorry @Jordan2 .  It's tough to "celebrate" when our loved one is gone.  This will be the first Thanksgiving and Christmas without my mother.  I can't cook because of my back and DH is in the woods at the Davy Crockett National Forest deer hunting.  So I'm taking a pumpkin pie and a can of whipped cream to the Assisted Living facility dad lives in.  He's mostly unresponsive but when we were there yesterday, he was pretty chatty.  Couldn't understand most of what he said but he thought he was funny (g)

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@Jordan2 wrote:

So, Thursday is Thanksgiving which starts the holiday season with Christmas, Chanukah, New Year's Eve, and New Years Day to follow. For many of us ( myself included) this is a lonely and sad time. People at work mean well and ask what your plans are for Thanksgiving, I usually make something up. Since my mother died the holidays haven't been the same, I just feel like I'm just trying to make it to the new year. For those that will be celebrating Thanksgiving I hope you enjoy being with family and friends. I'll be around for every holiday to check in. 

Jordan2 - I know you might not feel like celebrating around this time of year, but have you thought about volunteering at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen? It would keep you busy and your mind off of things.

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I'm sorry @gidgetgh.  I wish you had neighbors you could count on to invite you for dinner.  I guess there is no getting around the fact that some are very lonely during holidays.  I hate that.  Is there anything you can do on Thursday?  I don't know what size city you're in but are there soup kitchens or churches that are serving meals?  If you're able, you could help with one of those organizations.

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Re: The Holidays

[ Edited ]

@debfau wrote:

Jordan2 - I know you might not feel like celebrating around this time of year, but have you thought about volunteering at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen? It would keep you busy and your mind off of things.


One Thanksgiving, and I don't remember the circumstances around this, my son and I decided to volunteer at a soup kitchen nearby on Thanksgiving Day.


Well, they had so many volunteers, we weren't needed for very long, so dished out a few plates and then let others take a turn.

They told us to go ahead and eat and I was so hungry so we both sat down with others there and it was so good. We talked with other people there who didn't have anywhere to go.

I'll never forget that Thanksgiving!


I think many get lonely not just at holidays though that might make it all the more lonely at those times, thinking of families gathering, or family no longer with us.

I just know many do feel that way at times even with family, if they go home alone after all the celebrations are over. If anything we should know that we are not alone feeling lonely at times. So it's good to try and reach out to someone, even if a phone call. I'm sure it will mean a lot.


"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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@Jordan2   I always think of those that aren't looking forward to the holidays.  It isn't all fun and joy for everyone .    I have had those years in the past .  Thankfully I'm blessed to not for many years ,  but I've never forgotten the feeling .  I'm very sorry that you will be sad at holiday time they tend to  really empathize it as well .   As @on the bay wrote I will be thinking of you in spirit .   

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@Jordan2 :I understand what you are saying. My Mother died in 1977 and I was 22, single and one brother and he passed in 2014.Everything is different and I don't like the holidays but refused to give up. I stay busy during the holidays , trying not to think about previous holidays.

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@monicakm wrote:

I'm sorry @gidgetgh.  I wish you had neighbors you could count on to invite you for dinner.  I guess there is no getting around the fact that some are very lonely during holidays.  I hate that.  Is there anything you can do on Thursday?  I don't know what size city you're in but are there soup kitchens or churches that are serving meals?  If you're able, you could help with one of those organizations.

@monicakm - I live in Metro Atlanta and I wouldn't feel comfortable at all driving downtown by myself to places I'm not familiar with.  I'm not aware of any churches in my area doing anything. 


Holidays are just to be gotten through for me. That's just the truth. I do spend Christmas Day at my sister's house and am thankful for that, but it's just not the same with my parents and my husband gone. And my sister and I both agree that Christmas hasn't been the same since our mom died.


I'm not a total sad sack though. 🙂. Several in our neighborhood are getting together for a potluck and token gift exchange a few weeks before Christmas and I'm looking forward to that as well as a group lunch with friends next week.  And I do some charity giving and  things for others this season that make me really happy.  And I do put out a few decorations. I don't sit here crying or anything. It's just that too many life changing events have just changed the holidays for me. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?