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You said nothing wrong that I saw.  You stated your opinion.

Someone took your words, imposed their own views to what you said, and “group think” took over.  


What in in the world does anyone post here EXCEPT their own opinion?

I hope you will focus on your recovery and not sweat the small stuff. 🤗

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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@LilacTree  All I can say is let it go...there will always be someone to disagree or find fault with anything we could possibly say or discuss.We know you are a caring person and we care about you yourself and never let anyone make you feel bad abou that.

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We all have lapses in judgment, far fewer have the  courage to admit it and correct it, as you just did.

@LilacTree wrote:

. . . My cyber friends, for having my back regarding my lapse In good judgment in my post this morning.  I was so wrong, yet you all gave me some slack.  I am old, but we never stop learning, and I learned some things today because you cared enough to try to explain my wrongful comments.


 I won’t name you because you know who you are, and I know WHO you are, which is much more than your forum nicknames. I am so grateful for your understanding and confidence in me even when I trip up.  You are good people and that’s what matters.  Just know that I admire all of you . . . You are the brave ones.


From my heart . . . Lilac Tree (Ford1224)





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Sometimes we just get tired of being brave....I get it.  Were only human. Even Jesus asked God to "remove this cup from him" shortly before they arrested him and hung him on the cross. 


Anyway, you have righted what you thought too strong a statement so I hope you can rest easy.  We have all said things, I'm sure, we wished we could take back or would have said differently had we to do it all over. I think the fact that you reconsidered what you said or the way you said it showed thoughtfulness and humility.  Those are two traits  I admire!     



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@LilacTree   We are all friends on these boards & you said nothing wrong.You are entitled to your opinion.People are also entitled to disagree with you.But they are not entitled to be nasty .I agree with @blueroses47  It was thoughtful of you to reconsider your opinion but people could have made their point without being mean.

   You are a lovely sweet person. Some people get off on attacking others.Please don’t give it another thought. 

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I really do not think you should/needed to apologize @LilacTree . If you really feel that way I doubt anyone here is going to change your opinion.


You have been through a lot recently and your perspective is probably affected by all of it. A lot of people probably feel exactly the same as you do but would not dare admit it. I applaud your honesty but you do not have to change your mind about how you feel simply based on a bunch of anonymous strangers reaction.


Thanks for being you....

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@Trinity11 wrote:

I really do not think you should/needed to apologize @LilacTree . If you really feel that way I doubt anyone here is going to change your opinion.


You have been through a lot recently and your perspective is probably affected by all of it. A lot of people probably feel exactly the same as you do but would not dare admit it. I applaud your honesty but you do not have to change your mind about how you feel simply based on a bunch of anonymous strangers reaction.


Thanks for being you....


what a sweet thing to say, Trinity.  To tell you the truth, I actually was feeling sad for Trebek when I said what I did.   But it came off wrong, as though I was criticizing him when I was trying to say that he probably felt he had to be brave in public . . . When he actually could have been devastated by that diagnosis.  I thought the title of my post reflected that, but it just took off another way.  Anyway, hopefully the thread has run its course by now.


Thank you also for always being a reasonable voice in these discussions.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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@LilacTree wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

I really do not think you should/needed to apologize @LilacTree . If you really feel that way I doubt anyone here is going to change your opinion.


You have been through a lot recently and your perspective is probably affected by all of it. A lot of people probably feel exactly the same as you do but would not dare admit it. I applaud your honesty but you do not have to change your mind about how you feel simply based on a bunch of anonymous strangers reaction.


Thanks for being you....


what a sweet thing to say, Trinity.  To tell you the truth, I actually was feeling sad for Trebek when I said what I did.   But it came off wrong, as though I was criticizing him when I was trying to say that he probably felt he had to be brave in public . . . When he actually could have been devastated by that diagnosis.  I thought the title of my post reflected that, but it just took off another way.  Anyway, hopefully the thread has run its course by now.


Thank you also for always being a reasonable voice in these discussions.

@LilacTree...I like that you give your own perspective on many different situations. A lot of people just want to read all sweetness and light but let's face it, life isn't like that.


Hope you are feeling a bit better. The winter months are sometimes the toughest when fighting chronic illness.


Please try and visit here when you can. Your voice is needed here!

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No need to start another thread about this.  We're all aware of who isn't invited to the luncheon.  Just because of difference of opinions?  Please.


So many times lately, threads will be started like the one OP posted about Alex Trebek.  No problem.  But expect differing opinions.


We've ALL experienced loss of loved one to cancer. You are no different.


So you posted your gut reaction and others posted theirs.


Now you have had that thread taken down.


That's been happening a lot lately.  


Posts and threads are deleted.  Posters will say 'oh she would never start anything' or 'that's not her posting style, she's always so sweet'.


Well, the proof was in the poof.


@Trinity11  I noticed you did that in the suicide thread (which I agreed with).  Why delete it? It's how you feel?  Just like this is how Ford felt about Alex Trebek.


Own it as they say.



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Posts: 13,159
Registered: ‎11-16-2014

Re: Thank you . . .

[ Edited ]

@Lucky Charm wrote:

No need to start another thread about this.  We're all aware of who isn't invited to the luncheon.  Just because of difference of opinions?  Please.


So many times lately, threads will be started like the one OP posted about Alex Trebek.  No problem.  But expect differing opinions.


We've ALL experienced loss of loved one to cancer. You are no different.


So you posted your gut reaction and others posted theirs.


Now you have had that thread taken down.


That's been happening a lot lately.  


Posts and threads are deleted.  Posters will say 'oh she would never start anything' or 'that's not her posting style, she's always so sweet'.


Well, the proof was in the poof.


@Trinity11  I noticed you did that in the suicide thread (which I agreed with).  Why delete it? It's how you feel?  Just like this is how Ford felt about Alex Trebek.


Own it as they say.



@Lucky Charm  What suicide thread? And a lot of posts are deleted here without the mod saying why.