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Re: Taking down the Christmas decorations

Sometime during the week between Christmas and New Years. It all depends on what else I've got going on. It'll definitely be put away before the next time my cleaning team comes on 1/5. 

~The more someone needs to brag about how wonderful, special, successful, wealthy or important they are, the greater the likelihood that it isn't true. ~

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Re: Taking down the Christmas decorations

I have always made sure Christmas was down and stored before the New Year.  It's sorta a luck thing.  This year I'm already ready for it to come down, but I'll wait until at least Monday.  It takes me a couple of days to do it.  Everything goes back in their original boxes. Before I had a pre-lit tree, I would remove the lights and string them back in their original box too.  Very tedious, but worth it when it came time to put them on the tree the next year.  I could plug them in and check that they were all working before removing them from their card to put on the tree.

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Re: Taking down the Christmas decorations

Only thing we'll take down is the wreath on the lower stoop and the Santa blowup and Reindeer blowup on the front porch.  The Christmas tree will stay on for a long time and I do believe we'll be leaving the Christmas star on longer this year- seems to make people smile and happy when they drive by.. anything to brighten anyone's day.

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Re: Taking down the Christmas decorations



I wait until after New Years day.  Usually by January 3rd.

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Re: Taking down the Christmas decorations

I am the odd man out.  I put out a lot of Christmas including four trees.  My husband helps me take everything down, and because we put it up in early November so as to have plenty of time to enjoy it, it all comes down on the 26th.  We had extenuating circumstances this year, so it all came down yesterday, and I already have all my Valentine's Decor displayed.

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Re: Taking down the Christmas decorations

I put the few things I had out away yesterday.

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: Taking down the Christmas decorations

In the past we had Christmas with our kids/grandsons on Christmas Eve & I usually took things down Christmas day. Just ready to be get things clean & organized, again.

This year...well this year... sucked!

My daughter was having Christmas on Christmas Eve outside on their patio. It was -2 wind chill, but because of the virus we were going to do it.

Last Sunday my husband got the body aches & headache. On a scale of 1-10 he said his body aches were a 10 at night, but not quite so bad during the day.

Anyway. We quarantined. No patio Christmas for us.

We did a zoom Christmas so the boys could show us what Santa brought. 

I did put my tree up, but I didn't decorate. I didn't even put ornaments on the tree.

No grandsons coming over to play with the Christmas trains & music boxes. 

I may take my tree out today. I'll be done undecorating.

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Re: Taking down the Christmas decorations

I usually keep all of the decorations up until the second week in January.  This year, I have already taken everything out of the dining room and also some of the decorations in the living room.  The living room tree and foyer tree will probably stay up until New Year's Day.  I am ready for 2021 and spring.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Re: Taking down the Christmas decorations

Never understood the fascination with this subject. As far as I know, awards are not given for being the first or last to take them down. Do it whenever you want. Mine will stay up until second week of January, at which point, I just keep out the snowmen.

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Re: Taking down the Christmas decorations

Typically New Year's Day, but I think I'll leave them up longer this year. Probably 2nd week of January.

Take time every day to enjoy where you are without a need to fix it