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If you had $105,000 at your disposal, would you take a tour of the wreck at its watery gravesite? A company with this Internet site ~ ~ is going to give people the opportunity to do so starting next year.  The initial voyage for nine people is already sold out.


It sounds interesting, but I could never enjoy that kind

of tour.

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Not for me.....too depressing.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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The videos of the first visit to the remains of the Titanic were fascinating, but they were harrowing enough. 

It's good ol' Terra Firma for me!

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No....but I did go to see the artifacts from the wreck

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@Nataliesgramma wrote:

No....but I did go to see the artifacts from the wreck





A jewelry store in a neighboring community has Titanic memorabilia which it displayed in one of the Connecticut casinos a few years ago.

♥chocolate lover ♦ audiobook junkie♥
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The Titanic is a grave site for the thousands who lost their lives. 



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No, but i would like to travel on the replica of the Titanic when it's finished. 

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No, I took the tour of the Titanic exhibit in Las Vegas and that was enough and it only cost $35.  Very interesting, well worth it.  No desire to spend that kind of money to go underwater.

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No I wouldn't, for many reasons! 

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No. I love the water. And I love being underwater. But I wouldn't love being underwater as long as it would take to get down there!


My kids were fascinated by this story, and we toured the exhibit when it first came to the largest city near us. I like the history too. Of course, the movie with Kate and Leo came out when DD was in elementary school, so there was a poster in her room!  Smiley Wink