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Posts: 1,396
Registered: ‎03-16-2010


Disclaimer: I bought 2 tickets. No win.


I was thinking at how absurd the winning amount is now. If you think about how we, as Americans, lined up in long, long lines, waited 4.5 hours in some areas (Nevada was one 4.5 hour wait I saw on the news) to pay $> 2, 4, 6 or much more for lottery tickets without a thought, all knowing that their money would be gone as soon as they handed it over because the odds of winning is so high. Could have well shredded it, and everyone knew it, but paid anyway. To dream.


If that same line was started, every week, all over the country, to have every American just put $2 in a pot, think about how many humanitarian problems could we solve. No government needed. Collectively, every person giving a tiny amount of money, getting nothing in return (because 90% lost their lottery ticket money, right?), and just take that amount of money to feed the poor, clothe the cold, get children good clothes and shoes and into a warm apartment. Just imagine, we could feed every hungry person every week. All just for getting in line, and giving the 2 bucks that people are driving many miles to buy a "dream lottery ticket".


This lottery fever is a good indicator that WE COULD solve so very many problems in our country if we just lined up every week and put $2 or $4 in a pot.


Now THAT is a good dream!