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.....   is all wrong !!!


One person might win $1.3 billion?    Seriously?


I'm not a lottery ticket buyer, but I've always thought multiple winners of more modest prizes makes SO  much more sense .....  for example, if the lottery is at $200 million, why can't there be 200 winners of $1 million?   Or 40 winners of $5 million?    Or ... whatever.   You get the idea.


Not only would it still be a good prize, but more chances to win.    Face it, even a cash prize of $1 million after taxes is a lot better than a kick in the head!  

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I think the chances that there will be one winner are extremely low.

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The lottery powers that be must never have thought this through when they were developing the game, and when they added numbers to make it harder to win with larger payouts.


I, like you, hope this sends them to the huddle to come up with some ways of spreading it out a bit. It's really just too much money for one party to win. It is even hard to comprehend actually winning that much.

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As the lotto goes up the chances for one winner go way down---something like 1 in millions or maybe more. Not very good odds unless you are that 1.

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[ Edited ]

@MaggieMack wrote:

The lottery powers that be must never have thought this through when they were developing the game, and when they added numbers to make it harder to win with larger payouts.


I, like you, hope this sends them to the huddle to come up with some ways of spreading it out a bit. It's really just too much money for one party to win. It is even hard to comprehend actually winning that much.



This is EXACTLY what the powers that be wanted when they changed the range of numbers last year. They wanted larger jackpots which would attract more players and therefore bring in more revenue. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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well, look at it this way......if i am a single winner i DO plan on spreading the money around. there are also many people who purchase tickets in a group......for example, one winning ticket may actually have ten winners.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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@gidgetgh wrote:

@MaggieMack wrote:

The lottery powers that be must never have thought this through when they were developing the game, and when they added numbers to make it harder to win with larger payouts.


I, like you, hope this sends them to the huddle to come up with some ways of spreading it out a bit. It's really just too much money for one party to win. It is even hard to comprehend actually winning that much.

This is EXACTLY what the powers that be wanted when they changed the range of numbers last year. They wanted larger jackpots which would attract more players and therefore bring in more revenue. 

@gidgetgh, I'm sure you're correct. Do you think they ever considered one person winning over a billion dollars? They probably thought it could never happen.

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
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@MaggieMack wrote:

@gidgetgh wrote:

@MaggieMack wrote:

The lottery powers that be must never have thought this through when they were developing the game, and when they added numbers to make it harder to win with larger payouts.


I, like you, hope this sends them to the huddle to come up with some ways of spreading it out a bit. It's really just too much money for one party to win. It is even hard to comprehend actually winning that much.

This is EXACTLY what the powers that be wanted when they changed the range of numbers last year. They wanted larger jackpots which would attract more players and therefore bring in more revenue. 

@gidgetgh, I'm sure you're correct. Do you think they ever considered one person winning over a billion dollars? They probably thought it could never happen.

@MaggieMack- I'm really surprised no one has won it by now. I hope that when I do (LOL) there are multiple winners.  

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Posts: 40,470
Registered: ‎08-23-2010


I didn't buy any lottery tickets because I won't need the money.  


Based on extensive communications with Publishers Clearing House, I know I'll be winning their grand prize next month.  lol

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Posts: 7,175
Registered: ‎03-11-2010


[ Edited ]

I rarely buy lottery tickets.  I did buy one this time around and got two numbers... not enough to win anything.  I wonder how many people won a little bit on this try even if it was a dollar or two?  


I also wonder how the winner survives...




2.  All those who find out and bombard that person with all kinds of deals, offers, attempts to HELP.  How do they ever sort out the good from the bad when there is so much money there for the taking.  I know I would not know where to start.  A million yes.. but all that!


3.  Relatives, friends and charities would come out of the woodwork!


But you are right this would not go to one person.  Government first, then family members, charities, and payoff for loans...and in my case I might like to replace my old car with a new one.