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THAT'S Why You Were Pounding My Door

About 5:30 last evening someone knocked loudly on my door and then immediately started pounding on it. The door was locked.


You can see who is on the porch from the bathroom window.  I saw a car on y lawn by the porch step.  A woman and a girl about 9 or 10 stood on the porch.


I opened the window a crack and said in a not so nice voice, can I help you?  The way she had pounded on the door I expected a choking kid in the car, a person having a heart attack.


Nope, she asked if I knew who would have the cows in the road. There was a bull in the road below us.  Really?  First time seeing a bull in the wild?


I said it was the guy next door and the animals get out all the time.


She said, oh, okay and left.



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Re: THAT'S Why You Were Pounding My Door


That is so funny!

At first suspenseful, then oh yeah I see why she is pounding on the door, then your response and I'm like ok we are in The Twilight Zone lol!!

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: THAT'S Why You Were Pounding My Door

@on the bay   It is not unusual for us to get people at the door asking if the cows are ours. But they knock like normal people not try to bang the door down like Freddy Kruger is after them.


Right after she drove off my very wet lawn the chuckleheads next door were on the 4 wheeler they use to round up the escapees.

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Re: THAT'S Why You Were Pounding My Door

Being from farm county that was not unusual.  Any type of escaped farm animal on a road, especially, could cause an accident with people and animal being hurt or killed.  It is considered an "emergency."  The lady did the right thing.



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Re: THAT'S Why You Were Pounding My Door

@Imaoldhippie   Then we have an emergency several times a week. With the exception of a 2 week period this summer this guy's cows/bull are  always in the road.


I've had a dozen cows milling around on my lawn and crossing the road many times.  His bull, I call him Ferdinand, is frequently standing right off the porch staring at us.


Her pounding on my door like a jackhamer was not necessary. Just knock  and say there are cows in the road.

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Re: THAT'S Why You Were Pounding My Door


hahaha! This sounds like something that should be out of the best new comedy/realty//fiction/documentary and you be the head writer! Your neighborhood sounds great!😂 I love it! Please be sure to entertain with the latest episode! I need this

And where in the heck do you live?!😄 Where they don't discriminate against bulls?🧐 

Oh that we all should be so lucky right?!😳

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: THAT'S Why You Were Pounding My Door

@CrazyKittyLvr2 .............I do believe there is likely a law about the repetative escapes.  Maybe you should start taking pictures and keeping dates for proof and submit them to the sheriffs office or if you live on a state route to the state patrols office.  Its definitely a hazzard, especially at night.

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Re: THAT'S Why You Were Pounding My Door

@on the bay   It is a treat here in the hills of rural Pennsyltucky.


I am a transplanted city girl and even after 53 years here I still shake my head.


The neighborhood would be great if the bozo next door would move.  I love animals but not a bunch of 700/800 lb. cows in my yard.

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Re: THAT'S Why You Were Pounding My Door

@Imaoldhippie   I agree they are a hazard and am shocked someone hasn't plowed into the cows.


As for documenting them, well, he is nuts......and armed. And by nuts I mean tinfoil hat, coo coo for Cocoa Puffs, bat**** crazy.


I live on one side and he has family members on the other. It wouldn't take much for him to figure out who turned him in. I do not want to pi** this guy off.


He got mad at a brother and put sugar in the poor guy's gas tank. His own family.  Nope, minding my own bees wax.

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Re: THAT'S Why You Were Pounding My Door

Oh my gosh @CrazyKittyLvr2!

thank you for this great laughter early in the mooo-rnin!🤣

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"