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Re: Surviving a severe case of coronavirus may be just the start of recovery

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Re: Surviving a severe case of coronavirus may be just the start of recovery

@millieshops wrote:

@Mz iMacI think everything is being shared, and lots of different medical personnel are trying what they hope will work.


What not one of them knows because there's just not enough experience is whether those experiments will work for a big percentage of the victims.  I hate to be cynical but the later in the pandemic you contract the virus, the more likely you are to get a treatment that will really help.


In the meantime, one of my best friends is already on a ventilator.  The good news is that there was a ventilator; the bad news is that she was weak even before the virus was found.

@millieshops  I'm ss about your friend Heart My prayers are with you!! I also agree with you about the later on the more likely you are to be treated with hopefully a cocktail of "something" that might work. This is all just so scary. If I could stay home I wouldn't go out at all...that is of course if I had it my way!!


I am still having to go to work everyday, which in itself has me scared to death. We have 99 (as of yesterday) "known" cases here in Knox County (TN), but I'm sure there are many more that just haven't been diagnosed yet, so I'm really scared. I wash my hands/use sanitizer like crazy, but I have to use a keyboard/mouse/phone (just the keypad, as I wear my own personal headset) that others in the ofc use. Luckily my station (think 6 stations with a cloth partition between each cubicle..3 on one side of the room and 3 on the other...and we're not in a big room) is in the corner and my boss is "usually" the only one that uses it, b/c he doesn't like anyone sitting in the corner lol..I've been here so long so he doesn't mind plus I work midnights, but anyways....I still try to disinfect the keyboard, mouse, & phone pad...but he doesn't provide any cleaning supplies, so I still have some Lysol left and I just spray it down...and he's actually told us in the past NOT to spray/wipe the keyboards with anything, but I still do it....too bad. lol


I cannot afford to get sick. Anyways, just super stressed out right now...I'm on a thin rope....hang in there and again I will keep you and your friend in my prayers. Stay safe friend! Heart

~ Hope in TN ~
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Re: Surviving a severe case of coronavirus may be just the start of recovery

@BrandiDavisFirst thank you -  thank you for hearing my sorrow, but thank you for going to work, too.  From my own small circle of contacts of those still working, I hear their stress and even, for some, their exhaustion and certainly like I hear it in your post, their fears for personal safety.


And when I want to feel sorry for myself for having to forego my usual retirement activities, I remind that self how easy it is for me to do just that and be safe and not overburden others who'd have to care for me if I fell ill.


Stay vigilant and best wishes for staying well and productive.



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Re: Surviving a severe case of coronavirus may be just the start of recovery

@sfnativeWe don't disagree, not really.   You're adding to my thought that plenty of medical scientists world wide are working on ways to deal with this new virus -  and, as I briefly noted, will going forward find ways to treat those severely affected.  


Believe me - one of the reasons I find it so compelling to isolate myself, to continue to eat right and exercise in whatever way I can, is that I feel the longer I can avoid infection, the more likely it is that effective treatment will be more than a building on success against similar viral outbreaks ---  and will be way more available than it is now.


Right now what I fear I'll see in tomorrow's news is that deaths in my Florida county will exceed the number of people tested for the day. 

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Re: Surviving a severe case of coronavirus may be just the start of recovery



I don't believe there will be truly effective treatments developed this cycle, unless the physician working on cytokine spikes receives an NIH grant to continue his very promising work.  Remember, this is not the plague.  So much has been blown way out of proportion.  Do you recall the H1N1...The horrible and massive H3N2?  This last one should have you quaking in your boots.

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Re: Surviving a severe case of coronavirus may be just the start of recovery

@twentysixteen wrote:


More worries. Smiley Sad





@Marp  @KarenQVC 




  would be good people to comment on this article, 

thanks for posting @SeaMaiden .





Sorry @twentysixteen, just now noticed this notification.  Yes, there are studies that started in China that have now been validated by studies from Hong Kong, that some patients that are in ICU on the ventilator with COVID-19 do have reducted pulmonary function after discharge.


Although not research, one of the doctors out in Washington has discussed reduced pulmonary function in those that were discharged after being on a ventilator.  


Not really surprising since we have known for sometime that people that develop ARDS for whatever reason that are discharged home usually have problems with reduced pulmonary function. When you add the ARDS on top of the way this virus actually attaches to the lung cells to cause damage, it would certainly be a risk.


But that would be for those that have severe disease that were in the ICU on the ventilator.  And we are early into this process, so I am sure there will be more studies and more long term follow up.





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Re: Surviving a severe case of coronavirus may be just the start of recovery

I won't respond directly. I'll just state that I am getting very tired of hearing some trying to downplay this virus.

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Re: Surviving a severe case of coronavirus may be just the start of recovery

@sfnative wrote:



I don't believe there will be truly effective treatments developed this cycle, unless the physician working on cytokine spikes receives an NIH grant to continue his very promising work.  Remember, this is not the plague.  So much has been blown way out of proportion.  Do you recall the H1N1...The horrible and massive H3N2?  This last one should have you quaking in your boots.

It sure seems like the plague. In New York City alone nearly 12 THOUSAND DEATHS. I don't see anything being blown out of proportion when every night I see the death toll of more than 1000 in my county increase. 

I do not know where you live but here in the epicenter of this pandemic, every news report shows young, middle aged and senior citizens having lost their lives.

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Re: Surviving a severe case of coronavirus may be just the start of recovery


Good news NY seems to have stabilized their health care situation. New York is giving ventilators away to other states that need them, reflecting how much the state's coronavirus outbreak has evolved over the past few weeks.

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Re: Surviving a severe case of coronavirus may be just the start of recovery