Valued Contributor
Posts: 670
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Do you think our society only values people who are of a working age? Does it seem to you that we cast aside both the very young and the very old?

I was thinking of the contempt many have for small any restaurant thread and the comments always seem to mention "screaming brats."

I was also thinking how many old people wind up in the elderly "day care" that is a nursing home.

Do you think too many of us have the idea that we "didn't give birth to your kids so we shouldn't have to put up with them." Is the flip side of that "That sick old lady isn't my grandma, so I shouldn't have to look after her."

A man I know only slightly died last week. He was divorced and his kids live elsewhere. My spouse commented that he was "just the kind who was likely to die alone." He had no relatives close and no one else who cared.

I know many examples of families who look after their own members, and many who sacrifce to do it. I still sort of think that we are becoming a little too insulated from our neighbors and our responsibilities to them. Any thoughts?