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Supermoon eclipse this Sunday

Sunday's lunar eclipse will also feature a 'Supermoon'


snip - 


It hasn't happened in 32 years, and won't for another 18 years: Sunday evening, a total lunar eclipse will coincide with a "Supermoon."


A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the full moon and the sun. The Earth's shadow covers the moon, which often has a red color, hence the "blood" moon nickname.


Although it's completely in the shadow of Earth, a bit of reddish sunlight still reaches the moon.

"That red light shining onto the moon is sunlight that has skimmed and bent through Earth's atmosphere: that is, from all the sunrises and sunsets that ring the world at any given moment," according to Alan MacRobert of Sky and Telescope magazine.


The total eclipse will start at 10:11 p.m. EDT (7:11 p.m. PDT) Sunday evening and will last one hour and 12 minutes. It will be visible across North and South America, Europe, Africa, and parts of West Asia and the eastern Pacific, NASA said.


Weather permitting, folks in the eastern half of North America can watch every stage of the eclipse, from beginning to end of the partial phases, with the moon mostly high in the sky, Sky and Telescope reports.


In the West, the first partial stage of the eclipse will already be in progress when the moon rises in the east around sunset.

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Re: Supermoon eclipse this Sunday

We were driving east on an Interstate highway in 1982 and saw the last one in its full glory.  It was simply unbelievable!  it would take your breath away.  I have HIGH hopes for this one!

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Re: Supermoon eclipse this Sunday

Smaug I am in western Pa, my daughter was over here tonight and announced the party is on her deck Sunday night while we all gather to watch this event. Just now have to hope that our weather is good. She has the ideal deck to see this there are not tree's in the way of our viewing. Hope you get to see this also.

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Re: Supermoon eclipse this Sunday

@cater wrote:

Smaug I am in western Pa, my daughter was over here tonight and announced the party is on her deck Sunday night while we all gather to watch this event. Just now have to hope that our weather is good. She has the ideal deck to see this there are not tree's in the way of our viewing. Hope you get to see this also.

That sounds like a lot of fun! Enjoy and if you can take some photos and post them Smiley Happy

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Re: Supermoon eclipse this Sunday

I sure hope the weather cooperates so we can view it in its entirety.  I'm hoping to ride with a friend up the road to a relatively high point and watch from there.  We've ridden during a supermoon before, but not an eclipse so I'll keep my fingers crossed the sky is clear.


Hope everyone is able to enjoy it!  Smiley Very Happy

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Re: Supermoon eclipse this Sunday

Hopefully the weather will co-operate. lol. Every time we have these events its cloudy here and I cant see a thing! The last time I did get a gorgeous pic of the Supermoon but that's the only time in years I was able to view one of these events and no Im not kidding! I check all the time when I hear about this stuff.

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