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Re: Sponsors dropping The View


So, is it being dropped or not? I never could stand those cackling hens either, and hope it is .


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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

If they drop one more host, I'm sure the show will be doomed.  Even Whoopi (who I dislike lately) commented on no pictures on their cups anymore because who knows which of the hosts won't be there in a week!  They need to just shut it down!

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

I couldn't agree more.  Show should shut down for good!

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

[ Edited ]

Glancing over many of the posts, it appears the negativity is more about the hosts and the show itself rather than the comments about nurses.



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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@RainCityWoman wrote:

@magicmoodz wrote:

I didn't see the show in question, but I did see the MAJOR damage control being done this morning.  I think the hosts on The View feel they are above reproach; fortunately, the network and sponsors must feel differently.


I used to like Whoopi, but she has become a big blowhard.  I saw her defending Bill Cosby and basically telling her audience she doesn't give a ____ what they think and don't write her about it.  Well, I think she might have gotten a little a$$ chewing by top brass, because her demeanor seems to have softened since making those harsh statements.  


As for Joy, if this is the best The View can do on life support, they deserve to "shutter it down". She comes across as a loud, aggressive big mouth who seriously thinks she is much funnier than she really is.  


I found it amusing that they brought in ALL those nurses to honor and pay respect to the profession.  But clearly I felt Joy was paying homage because she had to, not because she really wanted to.   

That's because you don't like her and are reading a lot into her intent that probably isn't there.

You are absolutely correct, I do not like Joy.  However, it is MY perception that she acted like she had to pay respect to those nurses today not because she wanted to.  


YOUR perception is that I have that opinion because I do not like her.  


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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@beckyb1012 wrote:

Someone at ABC needs to have mercy for us and pull the plug of that brain dead show.

You could have mercy on yourself and simply not watch.  Smiley Happy  It's easy.  I do it every day!  Smiley Happy

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@RainCityWoman wrote:

There are probably many reasons to cancel The View, but this isn't one of them. The problem came from not doing the homework and not understanding what the clip of the nurse was all about. It pays to be informed.Lesson learned. However, I've noticed that the very same people around the country who are demanding The View be cancelled are the same people who rail against PC and who give DT a pass for the far more insulting things that he has said purposely. No one on The View set out to denigrate that nurse or the nursing profession. That's the difference. If The View finally runs its course, it will be because the viewing audience has dwindled, simple as that. I myself have a lot of issues with The View, including when Babs was running it, but I also have issues with the so called "beauty" contests which I think are somewhat demeaning to really capable, intelligent women.


I totally agree with you RainyDayGirl! Great post! Smiley Happy

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

I would rather watch ANY host or ANY vendor on QVC than any of those View-ers.

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

I do not watch "The View."  I may have seen a few minutes here or there, or if another show talked about it.


And, I wouldn't give Joy Behar the time of day.  Really, Joy?  You couldn't even BE A NURSE.  You big loud mouth.  She always disgusts me, but as a nurse, she is even more disgusting.


MOST people could not even BE a nurse.  They wouldn't get through school, wouldn't want to work all days, weekends, holidays, nights, etc.  They wouldn't want HOURS without going to the bathroom or having a meal.  They wouldn't want the responsibility and the HARD WORK that it is, Joy Behar.  I don't think you're one bit funny or intelligent.


Nurses are consistently rated HIGHEST in trust in surveys of professions.  Nurses take care of EVERYONE for EVERYTHING.  Joy Behar.


I don't watch your stupid show, so what I think doesn't much matter.  I don't care what sponsors do.  People LIKE Joy Behar do not know what they are talking about.  But, if  they need medical attention, they will want a nurse.


Hyacinth, RN      Cat Mad


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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

The climate of this show changed years ago. No matter what anyone thinks of Barbara Walters she was the conscience of the show and being icon she is, was able to rein Whoopi, Joy, Rosie O and others in. It's just a crabby gal free for all now.

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