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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

Aww....couldn't happen to a more deserving group. 'Maude' Behar is such a mess.




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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

The "hoopla" over the Miss America contestant's non-talent comment has nothing to do with the nursing career.  Its a big deal over nothing.

I hate that it seems EVERYTHING said anywhere becomes a big stinking deal when it isn't.

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

Is Candace even on this show?  I heard she was joining, and I have seen the last couple minutes of the show a couple times, but she hasn't been there.  So I purposely watched the intro one day, and she wasn't on that either  ??

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

Good question, van. I saw online that she is supposed to be added to the cast, but I don't know the specifics or timeline either.



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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

I did watch the Miss America show.  Hadn't seen it for five or six years, but curiosity got the better of me.  Not a fan of the hosts, but they were ok. I did see the talent competition.


The nurse was a lovely young woman, who was blessed with beauty, but not a dancer, singer, pianist . . . She did what she does best - represent herself by her profession and talk a ittle about why she is proud to be a nurse. She wore scrubs and a stethescope. I felt nothing but pride for her - she did her best and her statement was certainly nothing to laugh at. IMHO she showed as much class and talent as any of the jokes on The View. Maybe more!!!! And she helps save lives - now that's a true talent.


As a P.S.,  I loved hearing Bert Parks' version of "There She Is, Miss America".  Some memories there . . .  And very proud of Miss Louisiana (my current home) & Miss Georgia (my true home) .

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

I remember the firdt time I watched the show and thinking "what a bunch of misersable women who enjoy laughing at someone else's expense". Never watched again.


Today, I heard someone say that the show is nothing more than "a group of bitter biitches".


Yeah, that sounds about right. Good riddance to them all.


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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

How does this show never get cancelled?

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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@colliegirls wrote:

The "hoopla" over the Miss America contestant's non-talent comment has nothing to do with the nursing career.  Its a big deal over nothing.

I hate that it seems EVERYTHING said anywhere becomes a big stinking deal when it isn't.

Thank you.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Sponsors dropping The View

There are probably many reasons to cancel The View, but this isn't one of them. The problem came from not doing the homework and not understanding what the clip of the nurse was all about. It pays to be informed.Lesson learned. However, I've noticed that the very same people around the country who are demanding The View be cancelled are the same people who rail against PC and who give DT a pass for the far more insulting things that he has said purposely. No one on The View set out to denigrate that nurse or the nursing profession. That's the difference. If The View finally runs its course, it will be because the viewing audience has dwindled, simple as that. I myself have a lot of issues with The View, including when Babs was running it, but I also have issues with the so called "beauty" contests which I think are somewhat demeaning to really capable, intelligent women.

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Registered: ‎06-16-2015

Re: Sponsors dropping The View

@Heiress-inFL wrote:

Good question, van. I saw online that she is supposed to be added to the cast, but I don't know the specifics or timeline either.



@Heiress-inFL wrote:

Good question, van. I saw online that she is supposed to be added to the cast, but I don't know the specifics or timeline either.



She apparently showed up for a segment on their season opener, but had to take a hiatus to complete Fuller House.