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Speaking of leaving handbags unattended.....

When you are in church and you get up to take communion, do you leave your handbag on your handbag sitting out on the pew?   I don't.  I always take my handbag with me and I always carry larger bags. I've seen some  I've noticed that most women leave there bags sitting there for anyone one to walk off with.  I've never heard of it happening but it's not like only good people go to church.  My sister somestimes goes to our church and she's embarrassed by it.....she never sits with   I do the same thing when I go to my hairdresser.  She always says I can leave my bag under the counter next to her bag.  I noticed that all the ladies do that but I carry my bag with me everywhere I go.  None of the other clients do that.  Which always shocks me because it's a huge salon with so many people coming and going and the last time I went there were plumbers and electricians traipsing through to do some repairs in the back and.....all those handbags sitting there on display.  I'm probably overly cautious but I'd rather be overly cautious than a victim of some type of theft that was avoidable. 

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Re: Speaking of leaving handbags unattended.....

[ Edited ]

When I go to mass, many times I don't even take a handbag.  If I do, I lock it in the trunk of the car.  


ETA:  My husband usually drives, so I don't need my keys or anything else in there.

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Re: Speaking of leaving handbags unattended.....

When I go to the salon, I wear a small crossbody and have only my bare necessities.  I've also done this at church.


I change to my other larger handbag when I get home.

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Re: Speaking of leaving handbags unattended.....

@chrystaltree...I totally agree.

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Re: Speaking of leaving handbags unattended.....

I put my handbag in the trunk before I leave the garage, and carry a small wristlet with money and keys if I don't have pockets.

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Re: Speaking of leaving handbags unattended.....

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is the saying and I say good! Times have changed unfortunately and I dont know the ages of folks here but the older folks who are sometimes the most trusting are often targets of thievery and deceit. I have seen the terrible aftermath of those targeted by credit card and identity theft and the months, years it takes to recover ones good credit and name. I would say no matter how it appears or looks to others is worth being extra prudent. Have a great day...........Stormy

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Re: Speaking of leaving handbags unattended.....

I always take my purse to church and put it up on my shoulder when i go up for communion.  Most of the women I see do the same.

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Re: Speaking of leaving handbags unattended.....

I have done both, but lately have been taking it with me for Communion. I use a crossbody so I am hands free. We have to be extra cautious in this world of ours.

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Re: Speaking of leaving handbags unattended.....

I would never leave my purse on the seat while taking communion or leaving my seat for any reason.... 


There is NOTHING that stops ANYONE from coming into the Church specifically to walk off with a few purses!  I don't think it would ever be one of the parishoners.... but sure could be someone walking in off the street dressed like they were going to Church just to rob?  


A nice cross body bag would come in perfect.... or a little waist bag....  Woman LOL


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Re: Speaking of leaving handbags unattended.....

@chrystaltree ITA with you! It is a different world we live in now. Growing up in my church we would leave our handbags on the pew when we got up for communion. In today's world no way would I leave my bag on the pew or floor when I get communion.


My church already had a few handbags taken and a warning was put in the bulletin about it but I still see women leaving their bags! I carry a smaller bag on my shoulder and go up to receive communion. Same at the hairdressers, they tell me to leave the bag on the back counter with other women's bags. I won't do that. I take my bag with me to the back to get my shampoo and also at my hairdressers station. I see bags all over the salon and it is very busy with people walking around all the time. I once put down my sunglasses at my hairdresser station a few years ago and got up to use the bathroom and when I got back they were gone!