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Re: Sometimes I get irritated

My guess/take....people watch the selling shows, because they know the sales people.  Where they may not have family or friends available, these people they do have.  



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Re: Sometimes I get irritated

@Spurt wrote:



I'm puzzled by the thinking..🤔 is QVC supposed to shut down entirely, and fire or furlough ALL their workers in order to empathize and sympathize and be in the same position as the unemployed?????........And in its place of shopping what is QVC supposed to do ------run Public Service Announcents 24/7 about the virus?????...Virus news and unemployment news is PLENTIFUL on the other channels if thats how you wish to occupy your time....And no one makes those that are unemployed watch QVC.....there's PLENTY of alternative channels to watch as well....


There are people who are still gainfully employed and working at home, some are employed by essential businesses, and some are retired with excess cash to spend.....With people being at home more, perhaps some DO want to re-decorate, and with some retailers suspending or limiting deliveries QVC offers a way to shop for those who are able to do so....By shopping the customers are able to help keep some people employed!!!

@Spurt Well said!  I don't understand what the OP expects. 


Should QVC shut down so they don't offend those who don't have the means to spend on extras?  How would that help the company ....they are a business after all....and their employees?


I think what the Q is doing right now is very smart for QVC.  They are selling to those who are at home and have the means to buy. Not everyone is broke.


This is the perfect time to sell casual clothing, ready made comfort food, and items to spruce up the home & yard.


If you can't afford to buy then why watch a shopping channel?  There are plenty of other channels to watch and keep one company.


When I don't have extra money I just don't watch.  Why be tempted?

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Re: Sometimes I get irritated

It's not about their concern for their fellow man, it's about their concern for their bottom line... All these merchants out there pontificating on TV about 'being there for you' and being 'in this together' and 'until we meet again' and every other gag-worthy over-used slogan are up to the same thing... They're just pretending it's all about you when really, it's all about them... I'll give those merchants who are proceeding with business as usual and not trying to gild the retail lily a bit more respect than those who're trying to do a snow job... Moreover, there are some folks out there who are interested in freshening up their habitats... If they can do so, why shouldn't they?

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Sometimes I get irritated

Am trying to see the OP's POV on this and perhaps she's saying that the Q would do well to offer more budget-friendly items at this time?  It is true that so much of their stuff is out of our price range right now. Are you listening Q TPTB?

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Re: Sometimes I get irritated

@haddon9 wrote:

@Spurt wrote:



I'm puzzled by the thinking..🤔 is QVC supposed to shut down entirely, and fire or furlough ALL their workers in order to empathize and sympathize and be in the same position as the unemployed?????........And in its place of shopping what is QVC supposed to do ------run Public Service Announcents 24/7 about the virus?????...Virus news and unemployment news is PLENTIFUL on the other channels if thats how you wish to occupy your time....And no one makes those that are unemployed watch QVC.....there's PLENTY of alternative channels to watch as well....


There are people who are still gainfully employed and working at home, some are employed by essential businesses, and some are retired with excess cash to spend.....With people being at home more, perhaps some DO want to re-decorate, and with some retailers suspending or limiting deliveries QVC offers a way to shop for those who are able to do so....By shopping the customers are able to help keep some people employed!!!

@Spurt Well said!  I don't understand what the OP expects. 


Should QVC shut down so they don't offend those who don't have the means to spend on extras?  How would that help the company ....they are a business after all....and their employees?


I think what the Q is doing right now is very smart for QVC.  They are selling to those who are at home and have the means to buy. Not everyone is broke.


This is the perfect time to sell casual clothing, ready made comfort food, and items to spruce up the home & yard.


If you can't afford to buy then why watch a shopping channel?  There are plenty of other channels to watch and keep one company.


When I don't have extra money I just don't watch.  Why be tempted?



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Re: Sometimes I get irritated

If you get irritated about some of the stuff QVC is selling, how do you deal with the car commercials for Mercedes and Lexus?


Try watching a few videos about minimalism on YouTube. They are quite enjoyable to watch how much easier it is to stop making yourself miserable about what you can't buy and appreciating what you have.

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Re: Sometimes I get irritated

@Janey2 wrote:

No extra money to spend....why are you watching a shopping channel?


I didn't say that; don't go putting words in my mouth.

I think some people are in the same boat as me: we do have some money but we're not spending it. Who knows how this is all going to end up? I want to be prepared.

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Re: Sometimes I get irritated

[ Edited ]

@stevieb wrote:

It's not about their concern for their fellow man, it's about their concern for their bottom line... All these merchants out there pontificating on TV about 'being there for you' and being 'in this together' and 'until we meet again' and every other gag-worthy over-used slogan are up to the same thing... They're just pretending it's all about you when really, it's all about them... I'll give those merchants who are proceeding with business as usual and not trying to gild the retail lily a bit more respect than those who're trying to do a snow job... Moreover, there are some folks out there who are interested in freshening up their habitats... If they can do so, why shouldn't they?



Just like the other thread where no one can find Clorox Wipes...yet go to Amazon and Ebay and they are a gouged price of seems like Clorox could direct their shipments to grocery stores rather than Amazon......oh, but then Clorox would have to charge their regular price wouldnt they.....This "we are all in this together"......"we are there for you"...."we care about you"....It's all a bunch of BS......No they CARE about one thing MONEY$$$$.....I don't begrudge businesses for making a profit....BUT, I do object to GREED!!!


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Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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Re: Sometimes I get irritated

Not everyone is out of work. Everyone I know is still working full time, some overtime. Many people are making more money during this shutdown, but at home more and seeing things needing repaired/refreshed, and have the income and time to do it. 


Businesses of all kinds need to make money right now, those selling 'frivolous' home decor and goods as much as anyone else, so what is wrong with them promoting such?


As always in life, because there might be those that can't participate in something, that shouldn't dictate that others be hindered from doing so because they are able. 



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Posts: 3,502
Registered: ‎03-29-2020

Re: Sometimes I get irritated

@stevieb wrote:

It's not about their concern for their fellow man, it's about their concern for their bottom line... All these merchants out there pontificating on TV about 'being there for you' and being 'in this together' and 'until we meet again' and every other gag-worthy over-used slogan are up to the same thing... They're just pretending it's all about you when really, it's all about them... I'll give those merchants who are proceeding with business as usual and not trying to gild the retail lily a bit more respect than those who're trying to do a snow job.


I could not possibly agree with you more!