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Posts: 9,950
Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Some good news

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@Salreg Just google Orcas.  There are articles abut them everywhere.  The little one is still doing well even though it's the dangerous time for them.  Their infant mortality rate is very high.  The baby has to learn how to breathe in and out of the water and learn how to safely sleep.  Since they have lungs and breathe air, this can be tricky


There several types of Orcas, depending on their diet.  The ones in the Pacific Northwest are Residents (they eat salmon)  they are ones in trouble.  There are only 73 individuals left. This baby is a member of that group. The Transients are marine mammal eaters (eat seals, etc) and the offshore Orcas (eat sharks and stingrays) Interesting when each group encounter each other.....they either ignore or avoid each other.  They don't socialize with each other.


They are only apex preditor in the oceans. Most if not all  sea life are afraid of them.  They are the largest member of the dophin family.  And like dolphins, they don't attack or eat people.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 9,950
Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Some good news

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New picture of the baby orca.  She seems to be doing fine.  There she is bringing up the rear behind her mother.  She'll stay beside her mother the rest of her life.


Orca gives birth to new calf