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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@Noel7 wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

@cherry wrote:


@sidsmom  your advice is dangerous. Telling people about diets, where you only eat potatoes,  every day for a year ,is not healthy. Diabetics must count carbs  daily to be in good health

 I have a Dr who has actually gone to school , and would never hand out that kind of baloney

 Most people I know, would rather take advice from a licenced expert ,than someone pushing dangerous practices on a  BB



 You're right, most of her advice is dangerous.  Her lack of medical knowledge adds to that danger.

 And her use of "projection" didn't fit her ridiculous comment, either.

@cherry @Noel7

It's not dangerous.  (Eyeroll)


There's a mountain of evidence throughout generations which back my words. Type 2 Diabetes can be cured with a low fat, plant-based diet.  It's simple as that.  


It seems the only 'evidence' your side has is to personally attack the messenger.  I feel like those who attack still feel like the World is flat...but I'm saying it's round.  The LFHC World is waaaay ahead of the curve.  It's just a matter of time before the World catches up w/ the low fat, plant based message to cure T2D.  


Circling back to the OP article, we're living in a cause-effect World.  All the $$ are in the diabetic/bariatric camp today.  They're making a lot of money with the Diabetic Diagnosis.   In time, 10-20-30 yrs from now, when the effects of all the diabetic medication are wreaking havoc on the patient's body, surgeries will be needed (orthopedic & other internists).   If those Drs. can't perform their $$ surgery (because they're already turning people away due to cigarettes), all of a sudden a marketing push for a cure will suddenly appear...or we'll see the avg age of death reduce.    Those who have the deepest pockets dictate the Medical Business....and the Public is the collateral damage.   It's very cyclical.  And for people who 'think the world is flat', they'll continue to swallow the pills...thinking their way is 'right'. 


The Diabetic Machine is huge, so it will take time for the money to flip, but I have hope before too many people die a needless and VERY uncomfortable death....and I'm talking about young children who are experiencing this needless Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis.


I'm saying not to be collateral damage.  

A cure is out there. Millions of people, thoroughout generations, already know this information.  Eat unprocessed plants. It's not rocket science.  

Yeah, T2D can be managed w/ pill, but at what cost?  

The damage that pill does to someone has such long-term effects.  


Hopefully you...and the World will discover this natural, generations-old cure for T2D before it's too late.  

Low-fat, plant based eating for optimum health...and a T2D cure. 



Your information most certainly is dangerous @sidsmom  Advice like telling diabetics to live off of potatoes daily is pure cult following ignorance, as are so many other things you say to people.  You didn't even get the sweet potatoes right.


I hope NO ONE HERE follows any advice you give them about eating plans or illness without first checking with their MD.  Your advice is incredibly dangerous and based on charlatanism.

What I find most alarming is when clinicals and solid knowledge about diabetes is presented to this poster she chooses to ignore it. I have posted numerous times that Dr. McDougal's advice is to run blood glucose values that are dangerous. He claims testing throughout the day with a patient's glucometer may "upset" the patient and serves no purpose ......his exact words. A 300 blood sugar is not cause for celebration and the claims that these patients have been cured is medical malpractice. I hope and pray when some of his patients go into diabetic ketoacidosis that they are helped by legitimate practitioners who help them to understand how to control diabetes without false promises and money making gurus in it for the almighty $$$$$.

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke



I agree with every word you've said.  


It's scary that there are people who are so anti-science and don't even have an introductory knowledge of biology or cause and effect. 

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@Noel7 wrote:



I agree with every word you've said.  


It's scary that there are people who are so anti-science and don't even have an introductory knowledge of biology or cause and effect. 

@Noel7 Even if she had a rudimentary knowlege of diabetes and appropriate values for good diabetes control, she would understand the ignorance of her blanket statements. Instead of blindly following a plan that has the potential to do harm and then when attempts to educate her fall on deaf ears....that's when I question the agenda behind these posts.

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@Trinity11  there was a dangerous rebuttle left for you. I'm glad it was removed ,it made me shudder . She  posted that blood sugars between 150 and  300 were fine, according to her source

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

Low fat, plant based

It works for me.

It works for many of my friends.

It works for MILLIONS of people around the world for generations.

It works for many people who don't have to take any medication...ever.


I choose not to take any medications.  

I'm blessed I discovered this WOE many years ago to 

avoid many of the modern day illnesses.


I just wanted to share my excitement & hope for many on these boards

that there is a safe alternative to modern day medications.

It's called "food".

It's not evil, voodoo or's just food.


Eat the wrong food...and it's a sad, sick life.

Eat the right food...and you thrive!

I'm thriving!

I want everyone else to feel amazing like I do with!

Even science has proved it.

Circling back to OP, even doctors are refusing surgery because of diabetes. Please don't be in that position.  Changes can still be made to live a thriving life!

It can be done!

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@cherry wrote:

@Trinity11  there was a dangerous rebuttle left for you. I'm glad it was removed ,it made me shudder . She  posted that blood sugars between 150 and  300 were fine, according to her source

Thanks, @cherry I never read it. Of course anyone who works with a diabetes educator or their physician understands how dangerous those values are. The complications of diabetes are a significant risk in a setting of hyperglycemia and a dietary approach that tells patients to run high blood sugars coupled with no compliance in testing is just plain ignorance. It is truly amazing that this physician continues to practice medicine and hasn't had his license revoked.

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@Trinity11I think he's a quack

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@cherry wrote:

@Trinity11I think he's a quack

@cherry,He makes money using his disciples to preach his misguided approach to dealing with diabetes. People want a quick cure and his plan appeals to running highs in order to eat a high carbohydrate diet. The issue is running continuously high blood sugars reduces longevity and he refuses to acknowledge this basic principle. There is no cure only people making false claims running high blood sugars that the good doctor claims are "normal". Pure ignorance...

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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

 @Trinity11  Do you think they are getting paid to spread this  nonsense?  It's  dangerous. People lose limbs and eyesight because of high sugar numbers. You can also suffer kidney damage