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Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

I have never smoked, and my parents didn't smoke. So grateful. I am compulsive enough that I knew not to even think about smoking or drinking. I have food issues, and that's bad enough. 

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Posts: 3,120
Registered: ‎04-17-2015

Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

[ Edited ]

Hi @hckynut, Again, all I was trying to point out was that it is possible to lose weight in the absence of exercise -- I'm not discounting that there are many ways to exercise with an injury. Unfortunately, a lot of people choose to use their injury as an excuse not to exercise and, therefore, an excuse not to lose weight.


Also, most people are not as sports-experienced as you are (or as "injury"-experienced as you) so they don't know how to be creative with exercise and the easy thing for them to do is say, "Oh, I can't move with my bad knees, so I can't possibly lose weight."  Yes they can effectively lose weight -- through food alone. 

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Posts: 18,415
Registered: ‎11-25-2011

Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

Noel7 wrote:

cherry wrote:


@sidsmom  your advice is dangerous. Telling people about diets, where you only eat potatoes,  every day for a year ,is not healthy. Diabetics must count carbs  daily to be in good health

 I have a Dr who has actually gone to school , and would never hand out that kind of baloney

 Most people I know, would rather take advice from a licenced expert ,than someone pushing dangerous practices on a  BB



 You're right, most of her advice is dangerous.  Her lack of medical knowledge adds to that danger.

 And her use of "projection" didn't fit her ridiculous comment, either.

@cherry @Noel7

It's not dangerous.  (Eyeroll)


There's a mountain of evidence throughout generations which back my words. Type 2 Diabetes can be cured with a low fat, plant-based diet.  It's simple as that.  


It seems the only 'evidence' your side has is to personally attack the messenger.  I feel like those who attack still feel like the World is flat...but I'm saying it's round.  The LFHC World is waaaay ahead of the curve.  It's just a matter of time before the World catches up w/ the low fat, plant based message to cure T2D.  


Circling back to the OP article, we're living in a cause-effect World.  All the $$ are in the diabetic/bariatric camp today.  They're making a lot of money with the Diabetic Diagnosis.   In time, 10-20-30 yrs from now, when the effects of all the diabetic medication are wreaking havoc on the patient's body, surgeries will be needed (orthopedic & other internists).   If those Drs. can't perform their $$ surgery (because they're already turning people away due to cigarettes), all of a sudden a marketing push for a cure will suddenly appear...or we'll see the avg age of death reduce.    Those who have the deepest pockets dictate the Medical Business....and the Public is the collateral damage.   It's very cyclical.  And for people who 'think the world is flat', they'll continue to swallow the pills...thinking their way is 'right'. 


The Diabetic Machine is huge, so it will take time for the money to flip, but I have hope before too many people die a needless and VERY uncomfortable death....and I'm talking about young children who are experiencing this needless Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis.


I'm saying not to be collateral damage.  

A cure is out there. Millions of people, thoroughout generations, already know this information.  Eat unprocessed plants. It's not rocket science.  

Yeah, T2D can be managed w/ pill, but at what cost?  

The damage that pill does to someone has such long-term effects.  


Hopefully you...and the World will discover this natural, generations-old cure for T2D before it's too late.  

Low-fat, plant based eating for optimum health...and a T2D cure. 

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Posts: 17,739
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

[ Edited ]

I am back from the Dr today. My A1C is normal. I am not overweight, and my meds are not expensive


My diabetes is  genetic.  You are free to do what you wish, and so am I


I will listen to my endocrinologist. I trust her and she takes good care of me


You are free to believe whatever you want. Just don't expect me to

Honored Contributor
Posts: 19,138
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

ORe: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@SaRina wrote:

Hi @hckynut, Again, all I was trying to point out was that it is possible to lose weight in the absence of exercise -- I'm not discounting that there are many ways to exercise with an injury. Unfortunately, a lot of people choose to use their injury as an excuse not to exercise and, therefore, an excuse not to lose weight.


Also, most people are not as sports-experienced as you are (or as "injury"-experienced as you) so they don't know how to be creative with exercise and the easy thing for them to do is say, "Oh, I can't move with my bad knees, so I can't possibly lose weight."  Yes they can effectively lose weight -- through food alone. 

I have to disagree with you.  Some people cannot lose weight by limiting calories and I am one of those.


i was once on a doctor controlled liquid diet that was 600 calories a day.  I was on this diet for a little over three months.  In all of that time, I did not cheat or eat anything other than my three liquid meals a day and water.  I had to go to the doctor's office once a week for a urine and blood test.


In those three months, I lost almost seven lbs.  The doctor said most people lost at least three lbs a week.  In three months, I should have lost about 36 lbs.


i went to Weight Watchers with a friend.  I gained weight and she lost.   I never cheated.


In order for me to lose weight, I have to eat no more than  20 carbs a day and exercise almost everyday.  I ride my bike 14 miles a day when I am trying to lose weight.


i have celiac disease, so wheat, barley and rye is never in my diet, so most sweets and breads are gone forever.


Everyone's body is different.  What works for  some people doesn't work for another.  


BTW  I went from about 225 lbs to about 130 lbs.   It is extremely difficult for me to maintain this weight.  I struggle every minute of every day.


I weighed 108 and used to eat everything and anything I wanted and never gained a pound.  After I got pregnant, my body changed and I have never been able to eat normally again. 


In addition, I have osteoarthritis in both knees.  When they flare up, they hurt like a son of the gun.  My right knee has swelled up to volley ball size and when  it has, I could hardly move even while laying own.  My exercise is hobbling to the bathroom.


I am fortunate that celiac disease and bad knees are my only medical problems.  For that I am thankful.


sorry, I was so long winded, but it just gets to me when someone claims to know what works for everyone, if only they would do such and such.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,016
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

[ Edited ]

A friend of mine wanted to have a face lift and went to a plastic surgeon.....she is a heavy smoker.....he told her NO.....if she wanted the surgery, she'd have to stop smoking for a certain period of time before he would even consider doing it. She refuses to quit, so no face lift!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 19,138
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@sidsmom wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

@cherry wrote:


@sidsmom  your advice is dangerous. Telling people about diets, where you only eat potatoes,  every day for a year ,is not healthy. Diabetics must count carbs  daily to be in good health

 I have a Dr who has actually gone to school , and would never hand out that kind of baloney

 Most people I know, would rather take advice from a licenced expert ,than someone pushing dangerous practices on a  BB



 You're right, most of her advice is dangerous.  Her lack of medical knowledge adds to that danger.

 And her use of "projection" didn't fit her ridiculous comment, either.

@cherry @Noel7

It's not dangerous.  (Eyeroll)


There's a mountain of evidence throughout generations which back my words. Type 2 Diabetes can be cured with a low fat, plant-based diet.  It's simple as that.  


It seems the only 'evidence' your side has is to personally attack the messenger.  I feel like those who attack still feel like the World is flat...but I'm saying it's round.  The LFHC World is waaaay ahead of the curve.  It's just a matter of time before the World catches up w/ the low fat, plant based message to cure T2D.  


Circling back to the OP article, we're living in a cause-effect World.  All the $$ are in the diabetic/bariatric camp today.  They're making a lot of money with the Diabetic Diagnosis.   In time, 10-20-30 yrs from now, when the effects of all the diabetic medication are wreaking havoc on the patient's body, surgeries will be needed (orthopedic & other internists).   If those Drs. can't perform their $$ surgery (because they're already turning people away due to cigarettes), all of a sudden a marketing push for a cure will suddenly appear...or we'll see the avg age of death reduce.    Those who have the deepest pockets dictate the Medical Business....and the Public is the collateral damage.   It's very cyclical.  And for people who 'think the world is flat', they'll continue to swallow the pills...thinking their way is 'right'. 


The Diabetic Machine is huge, so it will take time for the money to flip, but I have hope before too many people die a needless and VERY uncomfortable death....and I'm talking about young children who are experiencing this needless Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis.


I'm saying not to be collateral damage.  

A cure is out there. Millions of people, thoroughout generations, already know this information.  Eat unprocessed plants. It's not rocket science.  

Yeah, T2D can be managed w/ pill, but at what cost?  

The damage that pill does to someone has such long-term effects.  


Hopefully you...and the World will discover this natural, generations-old cure for T2D before it's too late.  

Low-fat, plant based eating for optimum health...and a T2D cure. 

I am not diabetic, but my brother and two sisters are.  The doctor told them that for some reason the only way to " cure" diabetes is to have gastric bypass surgery.  No one knows why, but it works.


Eating unprocessed plants to cure diabetes is silly.  There are many, many vegan diabetics out there who eat low fat.


Why don't I have diabetes and all my siblings do?  I grew up eating the same foods they did.  I live on fish and chicken and low carb veggies and nuts and high fat dairy, I never eat low fat dairy. All low carb.  Neither of my parents were diabetic either.




Honored Contributor
Posts: 18,752
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

@sidsmom wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

@cherry wrote:


@sidsmom  your advice is dangerous. Telling people about diets, where you only eat potatoes,  every day for a year ,is not healthy. Diabetics must count carbs  daily to be in good health

 I have a Dr who has actually gone to school , and would never hand out that kind of baloney

 Most people I know, would rather take advice from a licenced expert ,than someone pushing dangerous practices on a  BB



 You're right, most of her advice is dangerous.  Her lack of medical knowledge adds to that danger.

 And her use of "projection" didn't fit her ridiculous comment, either.

@cherry @Noel7

It's not dangerous.  (Eyeroll)


There's a mountain of evidence throughout generations which back my words. Type 2 Diabetes can be cured with a low fat, plant-based diet.  It's simple as that.  


It seems the only 'evidence' your side has is to personally attack the messenger.  I feel like those who attack still feel like the World is flat...but I'm saying it's round.  The LFHC World is waaaay ahead of the curve.  It's just a matter of time before the World catches up w/ the low fat, plant based message to cure T2D.  


Circling back to the OP article, we're living in a cause-effect World.  All the $$ are in the diabetic/bariatric camp today.  They're making a lot of money with the Diabetic Diagnosis.   In time, 10-20-30 yrs from now, when the effects of all the diabetic medication are wreaking havoc on the patient's body, surgeries will be needed (orthopedic & other internists).   If those Drs. can't perform their $$ surgery (because they're already turning people away due to cigarettes), all of a sudden a marketing push for a cure will suddenly appear...or we'll see the avg age of death reduce.    Those who have the deepest pockets dictate the Medical Business....and the Public is the collateral damage.   It's very cyclical.  And for people who 'think the world is flat', they'll continue to swallow the pills...thinking their way is 'right'. 


The Diabetic Machine is huge, so it will take time for the money to flip, but I have hope before too many people die a needless and VERY uncomfortable death....and I'm talking about young children who are experiencing this needless Type 2 Diabetes diagnosis.


I'm saying not to be collateral damage.  

A cure is out there. Millions of people, thoroughout generations, already know this information.  Eat unprocessed plants. It's not rocket science.  

Yeah, T2D can be managed w/ pill, but at what cost?  

The damage that pill does to someone has such long-term effects.  


Hopefully you...and the World will discover this natural, generations-old cure for T2D before it's too late.  

Low-fat, plant based eating for optimum health...and a T2D cure. 



Your information most certainly is dangerous @sidsmom  Advice like telling diabetics to live off of potatoes daily is pure cult following ignorance, as are so many other things you say to people.  You didn't even get the sweet potatoes right.


I hope NO ONE HERE follows any advice you give them about eating plans or illness without first checking with their MD.  Your advice is incredibly dangerous and based on charlatanism.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 17,739
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

Well said @Noel7  please everyone, remember, your Dr should always be your first line of defense, in coping with any health problems



People on the net can claim anything , and the truly gullible will sometimes  swallow it


I read today ,in my Drs office ,1/3 of the population is prediabetic.


In the early stages you probably won't even know it. I didn't, my Dr tested me, put me on metformin, and sent me to an endocrinologist.


My A1C has always been in the normal range.  I am not hungry ,and eat well.  Protein is always a good choice, when you are hungry, because it contains no carbs.


Diabetes can be managed by you, and your DR, and they will never tell you to live off potatoes



Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,120
Registered: ‎04-17-2015

Re: ORe: Some Drs may refuse elective surgery if you smoke

[ Edited ]

@Carmie wrote:

@SaRina wrote:

Hi @hckynut, Again, all I was trying to point out was that it is possible to lose weight in the absence of exercise -- I'm not discounting that there are many ways to exercise with an injury. Unfortunately, a lot of people choose to use their injury as an excuse not to exercise and, therefore, an excuse not to lose weight.


Also, most people are not as sports-experienced as you are (or as "injury"-experienced as you) so they don't know how to be creative with exercise and the easy thing for them to do is say, "Oh, I can't move with my bad knees, so I can't possibly lose weight."  Yes they can effectively lose weight -- through food alone. 

I have to disagree with you.  Some people cannot lose weight by limiting calories and I am one of those.


i was once on a doctor controlled liquid diet that was 600 calories a day.  I was on this diet for a little over three months.  In all of that time, I did not cheat or eat anything other than my three liquid meals a day and water.  I had to go to the doctor's office once a week for a urine and blood test.


In those three months, I lost almost seven lbs.  The doctor said most people lost at least three lbs a week.  In three months, I should have lost about 36 lbs.


i went to Weight Watchers with a friend.  I gained weight and she lost.   I never cheated.


In order for me to lose weight, I have to eat no more than  20 carbs a day and exercise almost everyday.  I ride my bike 14 miles a day when I am trying to lose weight.


i have celiac disease, so wheat, barley and rye is never in my diet, so most sweets and breads are gone forever.


Everyone's body is different.  What works for  some people doesn't work for another.  


BTW  I went from about 225 lbs to about 130 lbs.   It is extremely difficult for me to maintain this weight.  I struggle every minute of every day.


I weighed 108 and used to eat everything and anything I wanted and never gained a pound.  After I got pregnant, my body changed and I have never been able to eat normally again. 


In addition, I have osteoarthritis in both knees.  When they flare up, they hurt like a son of the gun.  My right knee has swelled up to volley ball size and when  it has, I could hardly move even while laying own.  My exercise is hobbling to the bathroom.


I am fortunate that celiac disease and bad knees are my only medical problems.  For that I am thankful.


sorry, I was so long winded, but it just gets to me when someone claims to know what works for everyone, if only they would do such and such.

I'm sorry you had to go through this lengthy explanation without reading (or perhaps not understanding) my previous responses to others.


Where did you get that I "claim to know what works for everyone"? I never said that everyone can lose weight by diet alone and without exercise. Once again..... sigh.... I simply said it is possible to lose weight via diet alone without exercise. The only reason I brought this into the conversation was to illustrate that it is possible for someone who may be incapacitated by an injury to lose weight. I have done it. Others I know have done it. Is everyone able to do it? No.


And BTW... you also said, "Some people cannot lose weight by limiting calories". I never talked about limiting calories, but I did refer to eating the right combinations of healthy foods. I do not personally believe in severely restricting calories and 600 calories a day is severely restrictive. To my knowledge and experience, that sets you up for failure in several ways -- 1) the body goes into "starvation mode" and begins to store fat, 2) the metabolism slows as a result of a consistent intake of the same number of restricted calories, and 3) one cannot maintain a 600 liquid calorie diet for life; permanent changes in eating habits are critical for weight control success.