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Only flurries but we're having some wacky weather here in Chicago.  Sun comes out, then flurries, then sun comes out, etc.  Weird!

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I totally agree, some weird spring weather here too.

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I am in Virginia and we are getting Thunderstorms....60 degrees but feels cooler.  Last week it was in the high 80's it has been a weird spring here too (hot to cold).

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It's a beautiful day here in Bucks Co., PA!  It's 78 and the sun is out with low humidity. 

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My brother lives in the suburbs and texted me videos of it! He said they were getting snow & hail, it cleared up, then started again!


I grew up there and it has happened before but not very often.

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Metro-DC area here and we are finally getting some rain.  Not enough to eliminate our drought conditions, but better than nothing.  So far, we haven't had any severe weather yet today.  Hope that lasts;  And quite cool right now - around 60.  OK by me, after the past couple of hot days.

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Same here.  Snowy and cooler weather here in Iowa.  

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Yes in the Northern Illinois area there was snow today but I remember a few years ago we had snow right around Mother's Day. The motto of --wait five minutes the weather will change is true.