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Re: Shouldn't everyone be told to stay home?

@BrandiDavis wrote:

@happycat wrote:

@BrandiDavis, Another thing, the misinformation at people's workplaces. At first, dd (a mental health counselor at a medical facility, they do a lot for low income and aids patients) she was told they were going to get it set up for her to work at home, Then the powers that be changed their minds gonna have to go to work, see people- keep at a distance. Changed minds again, gonna make arrangements for mental health folks to stay home. It has changed yet again, she is having to go in, and doing teletherapy.


About same thing with dh, except he works at a nuclear plant, he does a lot of computer work. At first, he was sent email by management, saying they were gonna fix it where he could work from home, which he has done before anyway, before this virus. Then it was all non essential personel were gonna work from home and now,  no talk of anybody working from home anymore. Also, they had talked about sequestering people out there. Now they are talking of laying some of them off, but it won't be him and I wish it would be. Who knows how that mess will end up.


I am beginning to think a lot of folks have freaked out and just don't know what to do. And it is showing that some businesses seem to care a lot more about their workers than others, unfortunately.


Schools are out here, have been for a week or so. My friend works at wal mart, says people are still bringing their kids in there! We have two wal marts and both offer pick up, where you just order and they put it in your car for you. Now, and letting them run amuck. We have curbside service at both the wal marts here, you just order, an associate can sign the thing for you saying you recieved it so you don't even have to touch anything.


No way I'd be taking a kid in to wal mart.


People need to ask themselves, "would I rather be stuck at home, or in the hospital" And act accordingly.

@happycat  Yes, you are exactly right! I really hope that most businesses will implement some type of disaster protocol(s) after all of this is over with. Well, I guess they could start on it now, but definitely have a complete protocol in place in case something like this does ever happen again. 


No one was prepared for this at all. IMO I don't think anyone thought it would make its way to the U.S. and I think we are now starting to learn that it may have been here long before we even thought initially! 


I also agree with you that Walmart is no place for a child right now either. Oh, and I love your last line. What a good question for folks to ask themselves!! Especially the ones who are being selfish re the stay put requests being made. 

I agree with you too, I think business should come up with something for if and when this happens again. Hopefully at least some of them can come up with some sort of protocol


Nope, I don't think people thought we would have this to deal with. Honestly, I never dreamed we would deal with anything of this magnitude. It is hard to imagine things which we have never seen first hand. This is out of a book or a movie. Not suppose to happen here. Not to us.


I pray we call stay safe and healthy.

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Re: Shouldn't everyone be told to stay home?

I think our state is about a week behind others. We haven't had any in our county - yesterday was the first. In the meantime, when I went to the grocery store yesterday,  I was surprised to see our Hallmark store was open - why? I also had an email from my gym that unless they were ordered to close, they were staying open. Well, this morning I see that they also finally closed. I am not as afraid of this virus as I am for the futre of our civilization if the future leaders are the ones playing volleyball and having parties.

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Re: Shouldn't everyone be told to stay home?

@SilleeMee wrote:

Just because you tell someone they have to do something doesn't mean they will do it...even if it's against the law. What are we going to do?? Arrest people?...and then what? 

Under martial law, yes, people would be arrested.  Those who are running around now will be responsible for that if it happens just like hoarders will be responsible for rationing if that occurs.  Jackasses create conditions we do not want.

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Re: Shouldn't everyone be told to stay home?

@Maggie Nolia wrote:

@SilleeMee wrote:

Just because you tell someone they have to do something doesn't mean they will do it...even if it's against the law. What are we going to do?? Arrest people?...and then what? 

Under martial law, yes, people would be arrested.  Those who are running around now will be responsible for that if it happens just like hoarders will be responsible for rationing if that occurs.  Jackasses create conditions we do not want.

@Maggie Nolia 


I’d have worded it differently but I agree. 

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Re: Shouldn't everyone be told to stay home?

To address the OP's original question, mayors and governors don't have the power to tell everyone across the country to stay home.  

~The only difference between this place and the Titanic is that the Titanic had a band.~
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Re: Shouldn't everyone be told to stay home?

@AuntG wrote:

My spouse has to go to work. His office is looking for some work-at-home jobs, but not all can be done from home. Just like stores need people to stock shelves. I wish all the beachgoers could isolate in place instead of flying all the way home. It's possible they are carrying the virus without having symptoms.


And if you have seen some of their mischief and their responses, you might wish they would put a fence around the beach and make them stay all summer without suntan oil.  LOL

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Re: Shouldn't everyone be told to stay home?

@Suziepeach wrote:

I saw an interview of a young man on the beach and he said, "My wife's a nurse, this is just a cold, wash your hands."  I wanted to stick my arm through the tv and slap him..  Talk about arrogance, his wife might be a nurse but she isn't a Doctor..  that's the attitude they have and what a shame!!


Makes me so mad..  everyone should be told to stay home!!

@Suziepeach   If his wife was indeed a nurse, she is probably just as angry about what he said as we are.

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Re: Shouldn't everyone be told to stay home?

@IlliniGirl88 wrote:

They should have brought in the empty cruise ships, loaded all the Spring Breakers on them, and taken them out to sea for a 4 week or longer "cruise."

@IlliniGirl88   and make them stay until next spring.

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Re: Shouldn't everyone be told to stay home?

@BrandiDavis wrote:

@SilleeMee wrote:

Just because you tell someone they have to do something doesn't mean they will do it...even if it's against the law. What are we going to do?? Arrest people?...and then what? 

@SilleeMee  You bring up a great point. I'm not sure HOW they would handle the consequences, but I feel as though until people are MADE to stay indoors for now (unless of course for essential jobs like I have and nurses/drs/etc) its only going to continue to spread...I just feel almost like did we not learn our lesson about this already by NOT being prepared and taking it seriously?


Just things I think about and with only some states taking it very seriously I sadly don't think it will make a difference. That is all I mean. Now like I said as to HOW they can enforce that other than local law enforcement agencies being involved along with the military, that would be my best guess. They did it in China, so it CAN be done. 



@BrandiDavis   I don't understand your statement about only a few states taking it seriously.  I think they all are, some are just not as big as others and don't get the attention that the big states do.  As for Florida, their governor has appealed to them not to remain on the beach.  But you cannot make them leave or stay unless there is martial law and perhaps there should have been at all the beaches, here and Europe. 


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Re: Shouldn't everyone be told to stay home?

@BrandiDavis wrote:

@SilleeMee wrote:

People 'over there' were forcefully/physically treated by their govmt if anyone disobeyed. I can only imagine what that entailed.  @BrandiDavis 

@SilleeMee  Ohh, I didn't know that. Well, that is not at all what I mean. Physical punishment should NEVER happen. Period. That being said...I don't see anything wrong with the military stepping in and enforcing people to stay put. Not to say you cant go out of your house and get fresh air, take a walk, etc...but again just use common sense. Oh, and of course people that have to go to work, etc...essential things obviously should still go on like normal.


Sadly, IF everyone would just use their brains right now none of this would even be necessary. That is the bottom line. 


But, because unfortunately we have people among us that just blatantly don't care or think they are untouchable, it WILL affect others.


I appreciate everyone reading my posts, b/c you guys are ALL I have to talk to. Not just about all of this going on, but really anything. I don't have friends/family. I have my dad who won't have a conversation with me about anything anyways even before all of this, but my sister and I only speak maybe every 2 wks or so if not longer and with regards to CV she thinks its all being over-reacted to. Grr...But, I really appreciate everyone here. Thank you for being here for me. Stay safe. 

@BrandiDavis   I have a neighbor who is originally from Hong Kong but is now a citizen married to a wonderful business lady.  He said if the American government were to treat its citizens like they were treated in his former home, there would be riots in the streets here but if they started that in China, it would be worse than Tianamen Square.