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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

@Sooner wrote:

They will be released I'll bet, be on tv, podcasts, facebook and twitter, write books, make docudramas, be famous campaigning against abuse, live the good life.  




I hope they do. They never had a moment of peace. They said prison was the first time. I find that incredibly sad.


The parents should be here to be held accountable for what they did to these two men as children.  

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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

There's a member of a boy band that was big back then, Menudo, who says that Jose Menendez sexually abused him.

I think Jose was a record company executive?
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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

They have made such a fuss over this and now nothing until end of Jan. 2025

can be determined.


I see Lyle is all over the news with a breakup with his wife and tv and other

sites are saying he is involved with a 21 year old college student from England.


I can imagine if they would be release, reality shows and more crazy to follow.


Probably a stint on Dancing with the Stars or some other show could be next?

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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

NO!!!!  They murdered 2 people.  They murdered their parents.  End of story.  



When the murders occurred, they were still legally children who had been repeatedly sexually victimized


This is not a "normal" mindset, and PSTD didn't seem to be considered in the lawsuit.   


That's very different from adults who commit murder and other criminal acts.  



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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

There's something very unsettling about the brothers. I'm very good with intuition sense something sinister looking at them leaves me with the most uncomfortable feelings. 


This week on one news show they mentioned the brothers have it very cushy in prison sorry had to leave so never had the chance find out exactly what their setup in prison was know their in the same prison. 



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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

My personal thoughts are NO.

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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

The idea that an abused child, spouse or, any other type of abuse could have just left. Especially if the abuse is long standing. The thought of leaving is terrifying because you know he, or she, will find you and then your life is really in danger. If the law does arrest them, they will soon be released, maybe even had the weapon returned to the perp. Then your life is seriously in danger. A young man who has been physically, verbally and sexually abused may very well feel that there is no way this will every end for them. You can't just go to a cop and tell them about the abuse and a child may very well just be returned to the abuser if he does. So no, you can't always "just leave". Especially a child.
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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

No. It's one thing if they were 8 or 12 years old and didn't know what else to do but at the time this happened they were adults (18 & 21) and could have left home at any time if they wanted to.  Sadly, there are many people in a similar situation but they don't commit murder to escape.  If they are released they'll probably end up with lucrative book deals and guest appearances.

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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

I remember this case well. IMO, they got the sentence they deserved. Actually, lucky it wasn't the death penalty. There were so many other options they could have taken to get out of their situation of se xual abuse if what they say is true. They weren't minors, why didn't they just leave? Why didn't they report it to authorities? They were pretty physically fit. Why didn't they fight back against their father? This was planned and visciously carried through with no remorse. Instead, they celebrated by going on shopping sprees and living a lavish life. Right now, they're at a prison not far from where I live. Sadly, I'm not confident that the verdict will stand...

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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

I'd say the only way they'd be released is by parole. They couldn't claim restitution or wrongful imprisonment.


I'd say yes except for the reloading to off their mother.