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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

It's a toss-up.  I go 'back and forth'.


All I can say is that, from what I've heard, they have been excellent prisoners, accomplishing quite a bit while incarcerated.


I do think that a person can be rehabilitated.


Using prison time in a good way is beneficial for an inmate. 

Taking college courses, being very helpful, volunteering for 'this and that', etc.  

I'm fairly sure that they won't harm anyone if they are released.  

I don't know for sure, but maybe they have had sessions with a psychologist, which would be very helpful in the long run.


Well, that's all I can say about their situation right now.  





'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

Yes. They have been model prisoners, even though, until now, they believed they had no chance of getting out.

I do not believe they are a danger to anyone. They've served their time and paid their debt to society. There are many career criminals who never pay the price for their crimes. These brothers have put in 35 years. It's time.

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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

They absolutely should stay in jail.  I think they're both very sly and sneaky.  The sexual abuse thing, if it actually happened, makes the perfect excuse as it horrified their audience. 


However, these guys were young adults when the murders happened, not helpless children.  Instead of murdering their parents, what kept them from packing their bags and just walking out the door?  They were plenty old enough to find a cop and report their father or even hire an attorney and file a civil suit against him.  They had alternatives.


Instead,  by killing both mom and dad, they were assured to inherit the whole estate without half going to mom.


These two are inherently evil and need to serve life sentences without parole.  They are also great actors.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

@Kachina624 wrote:

They absolutely should stay in jail.  I think they're both very sly and sneaky.  The sexual abuse thing, if it actually happened, makes the perfect excuse as it horrified their audience. 


However, these guys were young adults when the murders happened, not helpless children.  Instead of murdering their parents, what kept them from packing their bags and just walking out the door?  They were plenty old enough to find a cop and report their father or even hire an attorney and file a civil suit against him.  They had alternatives.


Instead,  by killing both mom and dad, they were assured to inherit the whole estate without half going to mom.


These two are inherently evil and need to serve life sentences without parole.  They are also great actors.



I agree with you.  I think that the sexual abuse was manufactured so they could get sympathy.  I agree that they are good actors.  I still remember the smug look on their faces when they were on trial.  Trying to look like choir boys with their pastel sweaters.


Erik Menendez

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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

I think this will open a can of worms. If they reopen this case, then they should probably give a second chance to inmates with lesser violations & some probably serving longer prison sentences. There maybe some that are innocent too.


They got publicity from the Netflix series, not everyone gets their story highlighted in the media. 

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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

Both of them had said to their father they were leaving and the father threatened to kill them.  What I didn't know was that both brothers are married.  One on his second marriage.  I am wondering why? Because they were sentenced to life they didn't have the conjugal visits. 

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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

They will be released I'll bet, be on tv, podcasts, facebook and twitter, write books, make docudramas, be famous campaigning against abuse, live the good life.  



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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

The world wasn’t ready to hear about boys and sexual abuse. @lgfan  It would not have been the best defense back then. I’m not sure we have come that much further today with men and abuse. 


These two young men were forced to relive their trauma in front of the world. In a packed courtroom with cameras.. That would not happen today with awareness.  


Any expression they had was probably a way to cope.

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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

Don't care. Not my circus, not my monkeys.

'I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man'.......Unknown
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Re: Should the Menendez Brothers be released?

@manny2 wrote:

The world wasn’t ready to hear about boys and sexual abuse. @lgfan  It would not have been the best defense back then. I’m not sure we have come that much further today with men and abuse. 


These two young men were forced to relive their trauma in front of the world. In a packed courtroom with cameras.. That would not happen today with awareness.  


Any expression they had was probably a way to cope.



I respectfully disagree.  I do not believe for one moment that they were sexually abused.  I think that it was manufactured for their defense.  They could have gotten away with the murders if they weren't so greedy and started spending thousands of dollars after they murdered their parents.  That just showed the world that the motive for the murders was the money and not the abuse.