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Re: Should Stores Open for After Christmas Sales on Dec. 25th?

I am Jewish. I do not consider Christmas a secular holiday. I do not have a Christmas tree, parties, etc. I hear some Jewish people do. I don't know any.


My mother volunteered at a hospital every Xmas day for twenty five years.


The majority of this country is Christian and for many it is a religious, not secular holiday. Also a time when family members might be together once a year.


I do not think there is a need for stores to be open. Many Jewish people take the days off for the High Holy days. Some with much difficulty. I would not like to see anyone else in this situation.

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Re: Should Stores Open for After Christmas Sales on Dec. 25th?

@lavendar wrote:

I am Jewish. I do not consider Christmas a secular holiday. I do not have a Christmas tree, parties, etc. I hear some Jewish people do. I don't know any.


My mother volunteered at a hospital every Xmas day for twenty five years.


The majority of this country is Christian and for many it is a religious, not secular holiday. Also a time when family members might be together once a year.


I do not think there is a need for stores to be open. Many Jewish people take the days off for the High Holy days. Some with much difficulty. I would not like to see anyone else in this situation.

Exactly, my sister in law works the christian holidays for this reason and doesn't work the jewish holidays.  She would not  like working on Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur etc. 



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Re: Should Stores Open for After Christmas Sales on Dec. 25th?

I worked for years in the medical field and it was stated clearly when hired that everyone would be working some holidays. 


People have different traditions - some go out to eat so the restaurants need to be open. many go to movies so the theaters need to be open, people need gas so gas stations are open, some grocery stores are open for that forgotten whipped cream, etc.  I don't see how that is any different than department stores. 


My daughter and grand-daughter love to shop and they were headed out Thanksgiving evening.  I sure the will be on Christmas also.  If people did not go the stores would be closed. 

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Re: Should Stores Open for After Christmas Sales on Dec. 25th?

@Greenhouse wrote:

I fully expect Christmas to be dropped as a national holiday in the near future and a floating holiday given instead in some businesses.  This would give people who practice other religions or no religion to take time when they prefer.  I have no objections to the stores opening any holidays; we have the choice to shop or not and as said, all people do not celebrate Christmas.   



It should be dropped as a national holiday.   America is a nation that >should< hold all religions as equal.   If one gets special days so should all the others get special days.


Forcing everyone to be clones again is what I see.   Too  much clone actions of forcing everyone to think like this and talk like that...or else.


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Re: Should Stores Open for After Christmas Sales on Dec. 25th?

This will not come as a shock to you, but the majority of people in the United States are Christian. You don't think that Christians should "control" stores being closed 1 or 2 days a year, which also gives many people a time that they can count on that they can get together with family or friends. You do think that the minority should be able to change that tradition. Because it is not "fair" to everyone, no one should be able to enjoy this tradition. If some people are lonely or miserable, we should take away any joy (which isn't guaranteed, either) or pleasure that others get from their holidays. Just trying to clarify your position. Is it really so bad that the world, or a part of it, takes a couple of days to slow down?

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Re: Should Stores Open for After Christmas Sales on Dec. 25th?

QUESTION:  How can a sale be an "after" Christmas sale on December 25th?

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Re: Should Stores Open for After Christmas Sales on Dec. 25th?

@Deb1010again wrote:

@esmeraldagooch wrote:

@terrier3 wrote:

There seems to be a mixed verdict about shopping on Thanksgiving.


Some people say they don't celebrate the day and shopping is an alternative.


Thanksgiving is a National Civic Holiday - celebrated by everyone of every background.


Since Christmas is a holiday celebrated by just believers (not everyone in the USA), should we open stores on Christmas Day?

We always go to the movies on Christmas and sometimes out for dinner afterwards.  Thanksgiving and Christmas were not always national NO Work holidays....

You can always count on a Chinese restaurant being open.



I really don't care either way. I liked to work on holidays a lot back in the day because I was broke and loved holiday pay and the tips were banging. We have a larger Christian populations that many countries yet it is a law in some areas of countries (Australia) that they cannot be opened on Christmas. 


I hear a lot of people say, well I don't go shopping, I shop online but someone is putting your stuff together and mailing it and they do work on holidays too. 

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Re: Should Stores Open for After Christmas Sales on Dec. 25th?

Personally, I think it's a darn shame that the unions fought so hard for decades trying to get workers the right to be off on holidays and yet we are throwing all that away just for the chance to buy something that can be bought on any freaking day of the year! 


The American shopper is so gullible - wave the word "SALE" in front of their face and they will get up from a family gathering to go out to shop. ”But I can save so much money!", they exclaim. Just as much money could be saved if the stores offer those sales the day after the holiday. Marketing has become so subtle yet intrusive that people are turning over control of their personal time to big business without thought or protest. 


So my answer to the OP's is question is "no", stores should not open on Christmas, or Thanksgiving,  Whether you celebrate the holiday or not, let it be a day of family time or personal time, not consumerism. There's 363 other days in the year for that. 

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Re: Should Stores Open for After Christmas Sales on Dec. 25th?

People get too hung-up on specific dates.  Dec 25th is not the actual, factual birthdate of the Christian Master, Jesus Christ.  It was chosen as a date that coincided with the pagan holiday period of Winter Solstice, to keep the peace & keep everybody happy & not at odds with each other.  Their plan seemed to work pretty well.


I personally think that each person should celebrate their own personal belief/holidays and not impose them on anyone else, at least not to the point where they get bent out of shape if someone shops or ventures out on their own sacred belief day.  Just because it is that for you, doesn't mean that it is for someone else & their own experiences they've held in their lifetime.  Let people shop & watch sports & do whatever they want on those days--if it is *your* personal holy holiday, then by all means hold it sacred.  But you don't have to blame others who don't share the same opinion.  Just my .02 cents, FWIW...I don't intend to insult others with my own personal belief system.  I just think we should all respect each other, & give each other the space to follow our own drummers.

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Re: Should Stores Open for After Christmas Sales on Dec. 25th?

@terrier3 wrote:

There seems to be a mixed verdict about shopping on Thanksgiving.


Some people say they don't celebrate the day and shopping is an alternative.


Thanksgiving is a National Civic Holiday - celebrated by everyone of every background.


Since Christmas is a holiday celebrated by just believers (not everyone in the USA), should we open stores on Christmas Day?

how do you figure that??????.........since there is the secular celebration of xmas and the nonsecular celebration of xmas..........for some December 25 is just the day Santa Claus comes.......................raven

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