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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@froggy wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@froggy wrote:

@kaydee50 wrote:

I don't think she's "better."  I think she's irresponsible and borderline stupid.

What is irresponsible about having a lot of kids? If you have the means to support them you should have as many as you want.


On the other hand I do not want to have to contribute to their support, e.g., welfare.

@froggy, yes, I get it. Those who are financially strapped should not have kids. But those are well-off should procreate to their heart's desire.


Guess what? We all pay more regardless of the family's wealth or lack thereof. Now, having said that, I don't mind paying taxes. But I'm just disputing your point.



I guess we all pay taxes that go for purposes we disagree with. That's the nature of our government. You and I will just have to disagree on this one.


Nevertheless I'll just say that I generally agree with your thoughtful posts. 


@froggy, thank you. :-)

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@suzyQ3i did not think that the initial post by @CrazyKittyLvr2  was trying to glamorize large families at all. but, maybe she was?


either way, i still believe that ALL families have the right to choose how many children they want, if any at all. i would definitely not think it was my business to question how many was the right amount.

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@sunshine45   You are correct I was not trying to glamorize it at all. My feeling is if you can afford 10 kids and they are properly taken care of as far as medical, dental care, and education in addition to clothing and food, and are loved it's their business. ( I do not include the Duggars, they are a whole different situation).


I was speaking mostly of the day to day care of that many very young kids at one time. Bath, dress, feed, change, clean up, and repeat all day. Laundry and cooking somewhere in between.

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

After reading all of these posts and being on the receiving end of nastiness from a post I made a few days ago I feel sorry for the OP.  I bet she wishes she had never broached this subject.


I fail to understand all the anger directed at those who don't agree with others.  A few people made comments on why they don't feel that it is necessary for a couple to have such a large family and you would have thought that they were suggesting legislature to limit the number of children a family could have.  Some of the comments were unnecessary and derogatory to those who made them.  I didn't see one where it was suggested that a family was morally bankrupt if they decided to have a large family just a concern as to whether in this day and age it is prudent to try and feed, clothe and educate so many children.   My father came from a family of 12 children but he and my mother chose to only have two so that they could provide us with a better life than my father's family could for them due to the sheer number of mouths to feed.


It's sad to see the pack mentality that sometimes develops on these forums when someone makes a comment that apparently rubs someone in the wrong way.  

We are all going to have different opinions and should be respectful of each other's beliefs.    There's no need to humiliate or chastise someone who makes a post or comment of which you don't agree.   


I'm sure that many of you sit at home with your husbands or friends and voice your opinions on how others live their lives.  We discuss our friends' lives and our co-workers' lives and probably more times than we care to admit we comment on how we don't agree with them.    That doesn't make us wrong it just makes us human.


That is the end of my soapbox speech for today I guess I'm still just stinging a little by the notion that when someone voices their opinion and it isn't a popular one a few posters seem to like calling them out publically and therefore embarrassing them.  






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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@sunshine45   You are correct I was not trying to glamorize it at all. My feeling is if you can afford 10 kids and they are properly taken care of as far as medical, dental care, and education in addition to clothing and food, and are loved it's their business. ( I do not include the Duggars, they are a whole different situation).


I was speaking mostly of the day to day care of that many very young kids at one time. Bath, dress, feed, change, clean up, and repeat all day. Laundry and cooking somewhere in between.

@CrazyKittyLvr2& @sunshine45 , I'm surprised that anything I said implied that you, @CrazyKittyLvr2 , were glamorizing those who have who have one child after the next.


I know your post was more a wondering at how it all works day-to-day. But I'm also sure that you understand that the thread would lead to opinions about such large families. And that's fine.


As for anyone telling someone else what to do, no, that's not what anyone has posted here.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

I would think it is not healthy for the mother.  Her body has never been given a chance to recuperate from the last pregnancy.  I think it is insane and I hope all her children have proper brain development. 

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@alicedee wrote:

I’m one of seven children....which one(s) of us shouldn’t have been born?


We were far from rich in “things” ...but were raised with care and love.  We are still very close as adults.  I don’t consider my parents were “irresponsible.”  They were wonderful.

@alicedee, you are so fortunate to come from a loving family, regardless of the size.


But the question you ask is specious and has implications beyond what anyone is saying here.


When I was pregnant, I was chatting with a somewhat ditzy co-worker about my fears of miscarrying. She basically dismissed my worries by saying that if it happened I could just have another child.


Now that was, IMO, a comment that should not have been made. I haven't seen anything here but different opinions.


~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@froggy wrote:

@Venezia wrote:

I don't see it as a positive thing.  Why on earth would anyone want to be pregnant so many times, so quickly in succession?  Is she trying for her own baseball team or something?


How about doing her bit to keep the population explosion down?  It certainly doesn't make her a better woman than me or anyone else.



There is no "population explosion". Birth rates in the first world are way down. You'd better hope someone has a lot of children to contribute to your Social Security income.

@froggy  - LOL!  No, I am not going to hope someone has children to contribute to my Social Security!  I've made provision for myself.


What a crazy suggestion as a reason to have more and more children.  (And you only mention the "first world".  How about the third world???  Where children are dying every day of starvation?)

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

[ Edited ]

@froggy wrote:

@kaydee50 wrote:

I don't think she's "better."  I think she's irresponsible and borderline stupid.

What is irresponsible about having a lot of kids? If you have the means to support them you should have as many as you want.


On the other hand I do not want to have to contribute to their support, e.g., welfare.

@froggy- By the way, which is it?  I should hope someone has lots of children to contribute to my Social Security?


Or she shouldn't have lots of children because you don't want to contribute to their support, e.g. welfare?


Can't have it both ways!  Your views seem in conflict with each other.

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Re: She is a much better woman than I am!!

@jannabelle1 wrote:




Please don't give @CrazyKittyLvr2 a hard time for her comment "better woman than I am"'s an old phrase that's probably not used much anymore. Both my mother and grandmothers used to say the same thing. It's a tongue-in-cheek comment! Just means she wouldn't want to have to deal with the situation herself!



Yes I think that point was misunderstood.


@jannabelle1 @CrazyKittyLvr2