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Re: Shaun and Rick friday night

@Janey2 wrote:

@CalminHeart  You are correct, you can't please everyone. I stopped watching HSN, except when I am flipping the channels and might land on it for a minute or two. I feel the hosts there do not talk they drone on and on. They show no emotion just talk in a monotone. I also feel they present a hard sell, like their life depends on them selling the item. Between that dark haired woman who has been on forever and that Amy I would much rather watch Shawn and Rick do their take on presenting items any day. 

You don’t think QVC hosts do a hard sell?

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Re: Shaun and Rick friday night

The show didn't bother me either. In fact, whenever the Berkshire blanket lady asked Rick to do an impression of Dennis Basso as the throws were being "puddled" on the floor I thought it was funny. I also liked that Rick actually gave us a sneak peak of the upcoming TSV. I miss them doing that. 

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Re: Shaun and Rick friday night

I was watching and I saw the interchange. I like Shawn, I do. But she seems difficult to co-host with. Pair her with anyone and it's either sarcasm, annoyance or she steam rolls them. 

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Re: Shaun and Rick friday night

Shawn was sick & maybe she took meds but I watched & thought the show was fun & didn’t see anything resembling a nap. The single host shows are boring for me & I appreciate some levity as the world is a very sad place right now. They’re just trying to make a living. I give Shawn credit for caring for her Dad until he passed & her Mom who is living with her now. She’s also a working Mom so cut her a break. Rick was not my favorite but I enjoy him now with VPH, jewelry & with Shawn; I think he’s good with Courtney too as she was laughing the whole time when paired with Rick. I’d like to see Courtney & Rick together more often. I think he must be a great dad & family guy. It’s just a shopping show and does not impact my life if others act silly & have fun. It’s nice that they can laugh & have fun at work.

I flip to HSN when QVC has items that do not interest me & I think the hosts are boring & stiff. The clothing, imo, lacks quality, often quite unattractive & stinky. At one time I purchased DG jeans & they turned my legs blue & terrible painful rash. I purchased Jay King jewelry at one time & quality was terrible & I returned a product three times without satisfaction. Everyone raves about Coleen but I think her clothes are hideous & jewelry gaudy. I do buy Bezees or Bear Paw shoes there once in a while but online. I don’t find HSN enjoyable to watch & it seems like the inventory doesn’t have that much variety or quantities.

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Re: Shaun and Rick friday night

Just another juvenile, annoying program,  featuring the same description of  hosts---as well as that totally annoying show with the temptations dishes women----and of course JT mixing it up. 

Yet another reason I watch very little anymore------


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Re: Shaun and Rick friday night

[ Edited ]

Finally was able watch the show and see what the big deal was.


Here's the play by play for those that missed it:


(Spoiler) They were joking around like they always do.


Shawn was "selling" the massage device by pretending to be so relaxed that she fell asleep.


(a couple of weeks ago she pretended to pass out during a back massager demo.)


Rick touched her knee, while saying something like, "people do a lot of things to relax, try something like this instead (taking about the head massager)".


Shawn fakes irritation and says something like, "why did you point me out when you said that, are you implying something?".


Rick says, "I see a martini in your future". 


Meaning (as a selling point to the customer) - "don't drink to relax, get this head massager instead".




They all laughed about it and moved on to the next item (which fortunately wasn't one of the wines QVC usually wants you to relax with.)


Shawn did mess up the Berkshire display.


She wanted to show the 2 blankets you get together in the set.


She even apologized and said it does look bad and that she was not good at store displays.


And she did indeed get on the floor....and guess what? Rick got right down there with her! (OP fails to mention this).


He joked he couldn't get back up and Shawn said she would help him up.


Nancy Yoon was there to plug her upcoming QVC 2 show. 


They do this every show now - the QVC 2 host comes out to say what they are presenting on the other channel.


The producer had Nancy lay on the couch and look comfy (keep selling those Berkshire blankets...look at Nancy, so cozy! Buy, Buy, Buy!).


On social media Shawn always calls Rick her "ride or die", her "brother", etc.


Much like Jane and David are "besties" (my honey), Shawn and Rick are tight.


The playful banter, fake irritation, all around goofiness of their shows together is just their thing.


It obviously works because QVC always pairs them together and have for years now.


If this is not your style of selling you something,  Please, by all means, turn the channel if you see a Shawn and Rick show coming on because this is what you're going to get every time.



















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Re: Shaun and Rick friday night

Wow!  I am so glad I don't know the majority of you on these threads.  So many depressing, picky people with what seems to be NO JOY in your lives.  The fact that people can watch that show last night and find ANYTHING annoying or anything to complain about is scary.  It's HUMOR people.  Joking, laughing, poking fun -- HAVING FUN -- which the majority of people on this thread seem to know nothing about.  A bunch of prunes!!

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Re: Shaun and Rick friday night

[ Edited ]


The QVC show writers help with setting up outlines and talking points for the cute little vignettes and scenarios. 


This is one of QVC's most contrived and choreographed and scripted programs.   Absolutely nothing is spontaneous. 


But the actors need to be proficient and convincing in their deliveries.  Rick was good.

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Re: Shaun and Rick friday night

@Another new name Sue 


The cookie videos Rick made with his boys are on YouTube





Rick posted this picture of his wife and boys in 2021.


His sons are 22 and 25 now.



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Re: Shaun and Rick friday night

Sounds like a trainwreck. Glad I don't ever watch.