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Re: Share with us one or several reasons with regard to how you've had a "Positive" impact

@KingstonsMom, thanks for making me laugh. I needed that after reading the two posts above yours.


@sfnative, no need to explain. Some people who talk about people tooting their horn.  they don´t have a horn to toot. I love hearing about good deeds. It makes me happy

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Re: Share with us one or several reasons with regard to how you've had a "Positive" impact

@sfnative wrote:

@CelticCrafter wrote:

Why do people feel it's necessary to toot their own horns?



I decided to start this topic because I'm sick and tired of all the hate talk.


And, knew at least one or some people would get all over my case for doing so.

There is no "hate talk" on these boards, just opinions you cannot control. If you have not noticed, the mods are doing quite a good job of censuring.

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Re: Share with us one or several reasons with regard to how you've had a "Positive" impact

@SharkE   I understand, but she is an awesome caretaker, understood all the formulas, and was able to pass after I worked with her. 

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Re: Share with us one or several reasons with regard to how you've had a "Positive" impact

@sfnative wrote:

@KingstonsMom wrote:

I had a positive impact on my worthless ex-husband by divorcing him.....instead of burying his sorry behind in the backyard!



Great job!


I've broached the subject of what to do with my husband's earthly remains with him so many times I finally gave up and called the local university with a donation program.  So, when he kicks the bucket, all I have to do is call them and they'll pick him up.  I cannot tell you how much I'm relieved and my daughter agrees.

Smiley Happy

I laughed out loud

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Re: Share with us one or several reasons with regard to how you've had a "Positive" impact

@Pruett wrote:

@Mary Bailey wrote:

@CelticCrafter wrote:

Why do people feel it's necessary to toot their own horns?

I think it gives people ideas on what can be done for others. No tooting



But with all due respect if that's the goal then we can boast of things other people have done that inspired us.


Truthfully I don't know what others have done, untill I read these posts.  I only knew of what I have done. 



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Re: Share with us one or several reasons with regard to how you've had a "Positive" impact

[ Edited ]

Everyone can have a positive impact every day, no matter how small or how big the act.


Just giving someone a friendly smile when you pass them in the store or while you're out walking makes a positive impact.


Giving someone (even a stranger) a sincere compliment about their appearance, the good job they do, etc, makes a positive impact.


Returning your shopping cart (especially the small ones which are always in short supply!) makes a positive impact.


Picking up something that has fallen on the floor in the grocery store or wherever you might be has a positive impact.


Letting someone go in front of you to check out has a positive impact.


Slowing down to allow someone to merge with traffic has a positive impact.


If you just get up in the morning and think "Let me be a blessing to others today" you will see the positive impact you make in the world.

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.--Marcus Tullius Cicero
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Re: Share with us one or several reasons with regard to how you've had a "Positive" impact

I appreciate this thread about positive things we’ve done or can do for others or our community.  I find it inspiring and uplifting.  I also find it interesting that some people want to find the negative, even in a positive thread. 

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Re: Share with us one or several reasons with regard to how you've had a "Positive" impact

@Mary Bailey wrote:

@Pruett wrote:

@Mary Bailey wrote:

@CelticCrafter wrote:

Why do people feel it's necessary to toot their own horns?

I think it gives people ideas on what can be done for others. No tooting



But with all due respect if that's the goal then we can boast of things other people have done that inspired us.


Truthfully I don't know what others have done, untill I read these posts.  I only knew of what I have done. 





You have no examples of how others have had a positive effect on your life?


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Re: Share with us one or several reasons with regard to how you've had a "Positive" impact

Speaking of "tooting your own horn"I'll tell you something interesting.

A vice principal at one of our schools told us this before we filled out our self-evaluations.

She said: "Toot your own horn!"

She said, if you don't, no one else will. 

That instilled in me such great confidence and I started writing all the things I had accomplished with the school and students that year. I was so happy and surprised to realize all I had done.

I never would have felt that way if she hadn't encouraged all of us to just be proud and loud is a another way to put it, because I too was not brought up to "brag" or "toot my own horn!"

We were all lucky to have her. We also had the best surpervisor ever as well.


I know there are many things all of us can probably say we are proud of. One that stands out for me is during college.

But rather than something I did, this is more a testiment to the power of hope inside each person.

I was doing an internship with disadvantaged and very troubled youth, some on drugs at very young ages. There were also 8 year old twins there that day, also on drugs I learned later.

Anyway we were doing the circle story. Anyone heard of that? Each person writes a sentence, followed by the next person etc.

When I first described it I just got several curse words of "I'm not going to"..." do"..."that"...!"

But one person started. Reluctantly, the next. Around the room they went, adding their own, so intrigued with their story, laughing sometimes, and then wanting to contribute.

In the end their story was tied together, and a cover made and decorated. 

You have never seen a circle of kids so proud of what they accomplished. They could not believe what they had created.

It just really showed me as it has over and over again, that there is hope and potential for those who many have lost hope in.

I've seen it so often, that when one person cares, it really can change someone's life. 

I've seen it when someone gave this to me,

or my children, or any person who really needs that someone in that moment or time in their lives. It really can create a miracle. 


"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Share with us one or several reasons with regard to how you've had a "Positive" impact

@Marienkaefer2 wrote:

Everyone can have a positive impact every day, no matter how small or how big the act.


Just giving someone a friendly smile when you pass them in the store or while you're out walking makes a positive impact.


Giving someone (even a stranger) a sincere compliment about their appearance, the good job they do, etc, makes a positive impact.


Returning your shopping cart (especially the small ones which are always in short supply!) makes a positive impact.


Picking up something that has fallen on the floor in the grocery store or wherever you might be has a positive impact.


Letting someone go in front of you to check out has a positive impact.


Slowing down to allow someone to merge with traffic has a positive impact.


If you just get up in the morning and think "Let me be a blessing to others today" you will see the positive impact you make in the world.




