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Re: Serious question. How do I read this on a birth certificate?

On 10/24/2014 LipstickDiva said:

I don't think that "back in the day" they were all that concerned with filling things out correctly. I'm not sure how old you are.

My aunt's birth certificate had the wrong first name on it!!! Consequently, legally her name was different than what her parents named her and the name she went by her entire life. My grandparents never bothered to pursue having it changed to what it should have been. But this was a long time ago. But this was like in 1920.

I suppose you're right. Children weren't valued as possible voting citizens as much as they are due to infant deaths or still births being so high in the past. Although I wasn't born in the 20's, I suppose the same could be said the decade I was born too. Nowadays they are, hopefully, more careful.

That's interesting about your aunt! That's a big mistake, too!

Edit to fix word.

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Re: Serious question. How do I read this on a birth certificate?

"Does anyone know what the field: "Name of informant" means? Because there is named who I thought was my biological "mother"….but, the next field over, or two, it asks what is the relationship to the person born, and that field says (at first typing (no computers then, so it was hand-typed)--it reads at FIRST typing: "other". And then, with a different style of "M" someone rolled the birth certificate back into the typewriter and put a floating "M" near "other".

And the name where the "Mother" field is, is filled with the same first name, but a different last name (different than the maiden name of who I thought/think is my real mother)"


Your post made me wonder where in the heck I stored my birth certificate. Now that I've found it, I'm looking at it:

Aside from the first 5 lines being about me, the next section is about Father of the Child (2 lines). The next section is about Mother of the Child (2 lines).

I believe informant name is the person who relayed the details to the person filling out the application of the birth certificate (in this case, my mother with her married name). There is nothing on my birth certificate that asks about the relationship of the informant to any of the parties.

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Re: Serious question. How do I read this on a birth certificate?

So you think that your mother is refusing to tell you the truth? have you asked her about the last name discrepancy on the certificate?
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Re: Serious question. How do I read this on a birth certificate?

On 10/24/2014 Bird mama said:

"Does anyone know what the field: "Name of informant" means? Because there is named who I thought was my biological "mother"….but, the next field over, or two, it asks what is the relationship to the person born, and that field says (at first typing (no computers then, so it was hand-typed)--it reads at FIRST typing: "other". And then, with a different style of "M" someone rolled the birth certificate back into the typewriter and put a floating "M" near "other".

And the name where the "Mother" field is, is filled with the same first name, but a different last name (different than the maiden name of who I thought/think is my real mother)"


Your post made me wonder where in the heck I stored my birth certificate. Now that I've found it, I'm looking at it:

Aside from the first 5 lines being about me, the next section is about Father of the Child (2 lines). The next section is about Mother of the Child (2 lines).

I believe informant name is the person who relayed the details to the person filling out the application of the birth certificate (in this case, my mother with her married name). There is nothing on my birth certificate that asks about the relationship of the informant to any of the parties.

Not sure if birth certificates are standardized, but in field 26 is "NAME OF INFORMANT" (all caps), field 27 is: "ADDRESS OF INFORMANT", field 28 is: "RELATIONSHIP TO CHILD".

My mother (who I call mother) is the informant. The field 19 is the "MOTHER" field, and this is the same first name with a different last name filled into field 19 for "MAIDEN NAME". My mother (who I call mother) has a different maiden name.

The informant has my father's surname with the same first name for both the "informant" and "mother" fields. And? Wouldn't you know? It's a very common first name ("Mary").

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Re: Serious question. How do I read this on a birth certificate?

On 10/24/2014 KathyPet said: So you think that your mother is refusing to tell you the truth? have you asked her about the last name discrepancy on the certificate?

I honestly don't think my mother is fully and entirely aware of the truth or has buried it for some reason. That's the best way I can answer this. I've tried, even when a child to find out because I felt something was askew. It was impossible then, and is hardened more to make it nearly impossible to break into any information from her.

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Re: Serious question. How do I read this on a birth certificate?

Is there a pastor or minister who knew your family that you could talk to? Old family friends of your parents? They are sometimes more "helpful" than relatives who are hiding something.

Check census records for the other last name in areas where they might have lived.

I believe there are sites where people looking for adoption records post and give last names, birth dates, etc. looking for parents or children. You might try that. It is your life and you have a right to know.

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Re: Serious question. How do I read this on a birth certificate?

On 10/24/2014 ical said:
On 10/24/2014 KathyPet said: So you think that your mother is refusing to tell you the truth? have you asked her about the last name discrepancy on the certificate?

I honestly don't think my mother is fully and entirely aware of the truth or has buried it for some reason. That's the best way I can answer this. I've tried, even when a child to find out because I felt something was askew. It was impossible then, and is hardened more to make it nearly impossible to break into any information from her.

She must know if she was pregnant and gave birth or not. IMO, you have a right to know.

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: Serious question. How do I read this on a birth certificate?

Go down and get a copy of your birth certificate from the county you where born in. I do not know where you live but here in Az it takes only about 10 mins. I recently did it so both my kids could have a certified copy of it.

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Re: Serious question. How do I read this on a birth certificate?

There are two certificates.

One is issued by the hospital, usually with a foot stamp on it.

The other comes from the town, the county, or the state. Here it's the town. Has

the embossed 'official seal'

Generally when asked for a copy of a certificate the one from the town is all you have to get.

Depending on your age, you might try the hospital records department.

I'm sure that hunt would be impossible for me!! But then, I don't care because I have both of my originals.

I'll bet your floating M was just to correct a typo.

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Re: Serious question. How do I read this on a birth certificate?

As someone who does genealogy and searches through many official records, I am appalled at the mistakes made on official documents. One simple mistake, and it's recorded for eternity. My aunt had a child out of wedlock, listed the fathers name on my cousins birth certificate, but had that record sealed to prevent him from ever knowing who his father was. My cousin spent years working on this, but died without ever finding out. Even after his mother died, the state of WV would not "unseal" that document to reveal the information.