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I have not been inside a Walmart in over two years. We use curbside pick-up at Walmart. It is very organized and well run. There are multiple employees bringing out orders. I think there may just be a shift in personnel assignments.

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At first we disliked self check-out,but with very few lanes open we like them. I think they are popular because of the shortage of check-out people.

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@Bookplate wrote:

I won't use self-check out.  If a store can't be bothered to hire cashiers, I can't be bothered to shop there.  

The cashiers in my neck of the woods are "unionized."  If  "they" want me to bag my own things, they will have to pay me since I'm basically doing "their" union job.



"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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I loathe self-checkout. I already have a job that I serve others all day long. I need a break and it's cumbersome as well. 

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I don't use self check out.  I am trying to show mgmt I prefer a more personal touch.

Hopefully , we can save jobs.

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I primarily grocery shop at two locations. The commissary every other month to stock up on items, they have a self check out section but I have never used it.


My second store that I like to grocery shop at is Walmart.  I have fallen in love with ordering online and driving down for curbside pickup. It's very organized and easy peasy. 


The other day at lunch I had to go to Home Depot and they did not have any registers open. I was surprised. The only choice was self checkout. The line was long but, moved quickly. 

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Earlier this year, ShopRite stores in Delaware converted to 100% self-checkout (SCO).  Every single lane was changed to SCO.  An employee stands in one lane to scan things for people who don't want to, or can't, do it themselves.  We were already having to take our bags into the store with us and bag our own groceries, so this was just the next step, I guess. 


They said employees would be reassigned and no jobs would be lost.  That may be true, given labor shortages every place you look.


At any rate, there was a lot of complaining on social media at the beginning, but it seems to have calmed down.  I guess folks have adjusted or moved on to other grocery stores.

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I prefer scan, bag, and go. I can scan my items with my phone and bag them as I go.
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The self check-out lines are where credit card skimmers have been used for months at the Walmart near me...countless people have traced their identity theft and unauthorized charges to there....since word got out about the risk, the lines are very short unless you are paying cash.

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@cornicopia wrote:

I do not like self-check out lines at all.  At Wal-mart regular check out lines are huge because there are only 2 that are open.  They are trying to herd us to the self-check outs.

To me, I believe this is going to push people, as myself, to just order things more and more from Amazon, destroying more businesses with their shooting-themselves-in-the-foot ideas.   I found today, to my disappointment, that Lowe's Home Improvement Store is going the same route with the self-check outs.  Next step will be going into the stockroom and get items right out of the boxes.  Why not?




I agree with you, but hope you also take the time to go online to the company's website, go down to the bottom of the home page and click on Contact Us.   Tell them what you think about self checkout lines.


Better yet ....  Have a paragraph or two prepared so that you can cut and paste and complain repeatedly every time you go into a store that has the self check out.   Be relentless.


Will it help?   I don't know, but I recall what my grandmother used to say .... "the squeaky wheel gets the grease".