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San Diego, anyone live there?

My daughter landed a job with the VA in San Diego.  Just wondering if anyone lives there and can give me some information about the area.  She is now living in South Carolina.  The position is good for one year and if she is all kinds of happy she might just renew and stay.  How is the traffic?  

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Re: San Diego, anyone live there?

Congrats to your daughter.  I have never lived in San Diego but visited, it was beautiful!     I am sure you will get replies to your question.

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Re: San Diego, anyone live there?

I'm very familiar with San Diego, and my husband was born and bred there. It has just about ideal temps. It's a beautiful, charming city with tons of things to do for all ages. If I didn't love our current location and its proximity to my family, I would seriously consider living there.


Like most of coastal SoCal, expect high prices for housing. As for travel, I can't say for sure. It would probably depend upon where she ends up living in relation to the VA.


No matter -- she is a very lucky woman.

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Re: San Diego, anyone live there?

  A friend of DH lived there for 10 years.It's a beautiful place.Weather is great. We visited several ago & loved it.

  If she's a baseball fan tell her to visit Petco Park.Beautiful stadium.We saw the Mets play the Padres there.

   I'm sure your daughter will love it!!

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Re: San Diego, anyone live there?

We’ve lived in San Diego going on 20 years. I agree with everything posted here. Lots to do, places to see and the weather can’t be beat. Traffic can get busy depending on the time of day. I hope she enjoys her stay and wish her the best!

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Re: San Diego, anyone live there?

we use to live in the area (my husband is retired Navy), but no longer.


dh family lives in San Diego.


Cost of living is astronomical . Weather is pretty much wonderful year around. Yes, it does rain in SD.


traffic can be a nightmare.  When we were living there was little to no mass transit. What is like now am not sure.




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Re: San Diego, anyone live there?

My older brother landed there in late 20s and made it his home town. Enjoyed our visits. Check out travel websites. I'm sure your daughter will do well. 

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Re: San Diego, anyone live there?

[ Edited ]

@bonnielu wrote:

My daughter landed a job with the VA in San Diego.  Just wondering if anyone lives there and can give me some information about the area.  She is now living in South Carolina.  The position is good for one year and if she is all kinds of happy she might just renew and stay.  How is the traffic?  

I grew up in San Diego, weather is wonderful and if she likes to garden at all San Diego is the place for her.  Just about anything you plant will grow.  Almost everyone has  fruit trees, vegetables and flowers.

Smiley Happy  I do not like driving on freeways.  Just about anyplace you go in San Diego you have to take a freeway.  I remember going someplace I had to take 3 different freeways.  I live in a smaller town and I never have to get on the freeway.  Lots of back roads.  The transit system is pretty good.  But I am sure she will love it.  If you like mexican food there is great food there.

Oh the beaches, Balboa Park many lovely places.

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Re: San Diego, anyone live there?

i live there part s/o lives there full time. we own a business in the area.

beautiful area.....lots to see and do.

horrible traffic in general.  i advise living as close to where you work as possible.

it is not cheap......probably one of the more expensive places to live in the usa.

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Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: San Diego, anyone live there?

San Diego is a beautiful city with great weather and the nicest and kindest people I have ever met. I loved living there and wish I could go back. It’s expensive to live there. It’s always light jacket or light sweater weather at night and it’s Tee Shirt weather in the daytime. It almost never rains there. There can be plenty of traffic near the VA.  If your daughter is single there’s also a big plus. There are many handsome men there.