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Did your area have the annual postal food drive ?  I really appreciate the carriers picking up the bags of donated food. While food banks need donations all year long, this drive really helps to fill the shelves . 

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@QVCkitty1  Yes! Our local PO gives the donations to the local food bank and kitchen. I looked at their website to find out what their urgent needs are at this time. That was helpful.


Our carrier is kind of cranky and doesn't want to expend any extra energy (he throws out our packages on the driveway), so I was wondering if he would bother to get out and gather the bags. But, he did! 

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We live in a high rise condo but were able to bring a bagful of items to our local post office.  I wish they did it more than once a year.

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[ Edited ]

I guess my mailman, whoever he may be, didn't care to pick up the bag I left out.  It's now after 5 p.m. so doubt it will happen now.  It's a bag full of canned goods so I'll keep it out for awhile. (I did get mail delivered around noon while I was out back, and since bag was right below mailbox I'm sure he had to see it.)

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It's a wonderful thing to do, but I think if I were a letter carrier, I would resent it.

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Since we've participated in this food drive before, I remembered it, but with no local advertising, had to go online for information it was actually happening this year!  


I bought food several weeks ago when IGA had quite a few items 4 for $5 and 5 for $5.  Our regular carrier seems like a great guy; our mail issues are always with the substitute carrier on weekends, who would be the one to not pick up the donation!  


We put a note in the mailbox yesterday that we had food, and the regular carrier came to the house to get it.  Last year we were the only people on his route with a donation.  The local post office does not advertise this food drive!

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Yes, our Post Office did. I put out our bag of food next to our mailbox this morning. In a few days they put out a post as to how much food (by weight) they collected. Good cause!
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@RedTop wrote:

Since we've participated in this food drive before, I remembered it, but with no local advertising, had to go online for information it was actually happening this year!  


I bought food several weeks ago when IGA had quite a few items 4 for $5 and 5 for $5.  Our regular carrier seems like a great guy; our mail issues are always with the substitute carrier on weekends, who would be the one to not pick up the donation!  


We put a note in the mailbox yesterday that we had food, and the regular carrier came to the house to get it.  Last year we were the only people on his route with a donation.  The local post office does not advertise this food drive!

@RedTop , That is unfortunate. We received a card in the mail, plus a bag for donations.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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We received a postcard the first year, but have NEVER received a bag for the donation.  

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I did this today.  I left some items and I try not to make my package too heavy.  

It is a good cause.