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Re: SS# asked to receive Covid vaccine

I had to give my Medicare number. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: SS# asked to receive Covid vaccine

[ Edited ]

Yes, the vaccine is free, but the government can be reimbursed for the cost of the vaccination.  I had to give my social security number (last four digits) here in NY and so did most people I know.  Mine had to do with Medicare and my supplemental insurance.  

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Re: SS# asked to receive Covid vaccine

@Mom2Dogs wrote:

I hope she didn't give her's none of the states business.   DH has had his shot, they did not ask for his social number.


So in your state you didn't have to fill out any forms?  Did you have to show insurance cards?  Just curious.

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Re: SS# asked to receive Covid vaccine

@Jaspersmom   He was asked address, phone number and if he was feeling good that day, as in did he have a cold, feeling sick, etc.  That was it.

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Re: SS# asked to receive Covid vaccine

I was asked for my Medicare card and Driver's License - I assume Social Security# would be the same thing for a younger person for identification.  

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Re: SS# asked to receive Covid vaccine

I asked why they needed to have my Social Security number and they said they would be using that for medicare billing and state tracking who has received both doses. There's no better number to use than your Social Security number for that.

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Re: SS# asked to receive Covid vaccine

Have an appointment for the vaccine at a major northeast grocery store chain.  just looked at the consent form and they want Medicare 65+ information including last 4 SSN.     i'm not entering that because though i have Medicare,  i'm not 65 yet, the fields don't have a red asterisk and i can use my Insurance #.


Every required field is marked with a red asterisk.


i just think its TMI!  who the heck knows what database these forms go in! Especially this form it's hosted by Go-Daddy!

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Re: SS# asked to receive Covid vaccine

My husband received his from a local hospital as an outpt - he had to register online to set up a patient account  which asked for SSN, insurance info  ect.  Our local health dept and the state of Md directed us to that hospital for the vaccine . Well, my Husband received a billing statement from Medicare that said there was a charge of $78  which was over the amt that Medicare would pay so it was droped down to $ 46.59  . My husnad has not met the yrly deductible as he has been healthy .

All I can figure is this is the administrative fee  for administering the vaccine that he was charged, so we don't knowif he's gioing to receive a bill.  His private insurance  must have paid  the remainder .

 It sure is not our fault  that he needed the vaccine

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Re: SS# asked to receive Covid vaccine

The vaccine registration process differs from one state to another.  SS info is not asked for where I live.

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Re: SS# asked to receive Covid vaccine

I read today that the federal government is keeping a data base of everyone who has been vaccinated...with name, address and other info which could be more invasive  depending on which state you're in.


The feds said it is for statical purposes only and the info will never be released to  any other agencies.