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His Unity space ship has reached the edge of space. What a beautiful thing to watch. Eventually ordinary people will be able to travel to space too. 

I'm glad Branson got there first.

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Re: Richard Branson does it!

I've always liked Richard Branson. He seems like a good guy to me.

The Sky looks different when you have someone you love up there.
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Re: Richard Branson does it!

is it a competition?

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Re: Richard Branson does it!

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

I've always liked Richard Branson. He seems like a good guy to me.

He's the best of the bunch.

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Re: Richard Branson does it!

[ Edited ]

For an 'ordinary person' a ticket to space will cost $250,000 for a seat on board the Galactic to be ready for you in 2022. I would love to go! They (people who have been there) say once you see the earth from up there, it changes you.

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Re: Richard Branson does it!

American ingenuity and the power of private industry.

Yea, he beat  Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk  as the 1st in space.

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Re: Richard Branson does it!

@skatting44 wrote:

American ingenuity and the power of private industry.

Yea, he beat  Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk  as the 1st in space.

England should be proud of him.  Good day for them today.  If England wins the Euro 2020...well even better.

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Re: Richard Branson does it!

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

is it a competition?

Among the billionaires....yes. We'll all benefit in the long run. Well, my grandchildren will.

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Re: Richard Branson does it!

@SilleeMee When I was a kid in the early 1950's, I didn't know anyone who flew any airplane except a Piper Cub (lived 15 miles from Piper factory).  Even over the next decade, flying for those I knew was pretty rare.


I seriously doubt the shift to space travel will be as fast as the current leaders hope, and I doubt I will ever see anyone but the wealthy fly in space, however I do hope that the engineering and other technical discoveries made as the wealthy show the way will filter down to the rest of us.  That's not too much to wish for.

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Re: Richard Branson does it!

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

is it a competition?

@deepwaterdotter at least Richard Branson claims it is not a competition.  Not sure about Jeff Bezos.